How Do Mature Disciples Control Conflict?
When we think that God would like disciples to be composed, how do react when we encounter conflict? This devotion looks how an attitude of patience and acquiescence will help…
When we think that God would like disciples to be composed, how do react when we encounter conflict? This devotion looks how an attitude of patience and acquiescence will help…
When we think that God would like disciples to be composed, how do we control our dispositions? This devotion looks how we control our spirits and hearts. Nuggets Our disposition…
In answering the disciples’ question, Jesus told them that they needed to have an attitude of a child. This devotion looks at the characteristics of children so that we can…
It was a simple question that the disciples asked Jesus. Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? This devotion begins looking at the question they asked. Nuggets I…
As parents, we try to teach our children our beliefs. However, it seems that they are increasingly rejecting those beliefs. This devotion looks at what advice Solomon gave his son.…
Families have a multi-generational component to them. James and Paul discussed how children – and the church – are to support widows. This devotion looks at how God see supporting…
Infertility is difficult for couples who are wanting to start or expand their family. There is a story in the Scriptures that show how Hannah approached her infertility. This devotion…
If Adam and Eve didn’t have the ideal family, how would we describe what that was? This devotion looks at the type of foundation God expects to prepare our children…
God created the family unit. We start out this series by looking at the first family. This devotion examines how God instituted marriage and how sin changed the family dynamics.…
The Jews that Jesus was talking to couldn’t figure out who He was. This devotion looks at why Jesus was the only One who could provide freedom by accomplishing the…