Acting Free
We have been looking a conversation Jesus had with the Pharisees about them being free. This devotion looks at exactly why they were not free and to what they were…
We have been looking a conversation Jesus had with the Pharisees about them being free. This devotion looks at exactly why they were not free and to what they were…
A favorite Bible verse talks about Jesus setting us free. He said it during a conversation with the Pharisees, but they didn’t take that well. This devotion looks at why…
Okay, I am trying something new today. Yes, it has to do with technology. Thank you for being my guinea pigs. On a previous post, a reader had commented that…
God loves us. Because He does, He provides wisdom – when we seek Him – that leads to righteousness. This devotion looks at how we navigate the ways of righteousness…
At one point, Jesus talked about wars and rumors of wars. He did this in connection with the end times. This devotion looks at how disciples are to experience peace…
We can’t avoid all war because it is sometimes God’s judgment. This devotion looks at how He uses war to punish us for breaking His laws and commandments. Nuggets God’s…
Sometimes, wars can be avoided. But what if the war is over how we worship God? This devotion looks at how the break of the Wilderness Wanders into the Promised…
In looking at peace and war, we have to look at David. He not only was a great warrior, but he was also a man after God’s own heart. This…
How would we, when we are witnessing, answer the question of whether God approved or disapproved of war? This devotion looks to answer that question through reviewing what Scriptures say.…
With the pandemic running wild and getting worse, what can we individually do to heal this world? Growing up, my sister and I sang a song that gives us the…