Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd. In doing that, He told a lot about Himself. This devotion explores how He described Himself. Nuggets There is only one way to gain…
Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd. In doing that, He told a lot about Himself. This devotion explores how He described Himself. Nuggets There is only one way to gain…
For some, it may be easy to just think of Jesus as a man. However, He was also divine. This devotion looks at Jesus as king, master, and priest along…
We hear a lot of attributes associated with Jesus – mediator, advocate, physician, etc. – but what do those mean? This devotion will look at what those attributes of His…
What is the difference between propitiation and atonement? One talks about Jesus while the other talks about His blood. This devotion looks at both aspects. Nuggets We couldn’t redeem ourselves,…
If God is righteous, how do we become righteous? That process involves a lot of churchy words. This devotion tries to tie all those words together. Nuggets When we look…
We generally buy into the fact that God forgives our sins. It is harder to believe that God forgets them. This devotions looks at if and why God forgives and…
Nuggets Sin created a separation from God.God, however, is right on the other side of the divide.Though God is very accessible to us, He just requires one thing – submission.It…
When thinking about aren’t we all children of God, Paul also answered that question. This devotion looks at Paul’s viewpoint. Nuggets Neither being a creature of God nor being made…
Is everyone a child of God – even if they have not submitted their lives to Him? Are “creation of God” and “children of God” the same thing? This devotion…
With the world going crazy, it doesn’t seem like God is in control of things. If He is, why is He letting all of this happen? This devotion looks at…