Thoughts on God’s Word
God has given us a resource to learn about Him and His salvation. This daily devotional looks at a variety of aspects what God’s Words means. Nuggets God’s Word, while…
God has given us a resource to learn about Him and His salvation. This daily devotional looks at a variety of aspects what God’s Words means. Nuggets God’s Word, while…
Job had a really bad day one day because Satan wanted to tempt him to sin. This daily devotional looks at why God may have approved of the testing and…
God gives each of us gifts to use to expand His kingdom. This daily devotional will look at the gifts that Paul discussed. Nuggets God gives His children a variety…
Even though God gives us different gifts, He wants us to be unified in serving Him. This daily devotional looks at how disciples of Christ should work together to further…
Things haven’t gone really smoothly today. It ended up technology was down. So, I am using the newsletter as the post. We’ll get back to the Transformed to Perfection series in…
After talking about transformation, Paul told his readers one way in which we are to be transformed. This daily devotional looks at how grace transforms disciples from pride to humility.…
Paul’s phrase of renewing our minds is a well-known phrase to disciples of Christ. This daily devotional looks at what that means and to what the transformation leads. Nuggets Renewing…
God calls us to not conform to this world. Instead, we are to be transformed to posses His character. This daily devotional looks at what that means to disciples of…
God calls us to be transformed to worship and serve Him. This daily devotional looks at why we serve Him and how worship is different from service. Nuggets God calls…
When we think of our redo for godliness, we think of the changes – the transformation – that needs to take place. This daily devotion will begin a look at…