December 2023 Newsletter Part 1
This devotion begins a review of the year. We are going to focus on the nuggets that show what our actions and habits are supposed to be. Main Nugget What…
This devotion begins a review of the year. We are going to focus on the nuggets that show what our actions and habits are supposed to be. Main Nugget What…
Today is a music day. To read and hear the song, click here.Sorry this didn't get posted Saturday. I had technical difficulties. I should be back on track Tuesday morning.…
In order to be sure of our salvation, we have to keep our attitude right. This devotional reading looks at rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks continually. Nuggets Constant rejoicing in…
We’ve been looking at habits needed to ensure our salvation. This devotional reading looks at what it means to be in Christ – a new, regenerated creation. Nuggets We can’t…
In determining the habits need to ensure our salvation, we need to see what Micah said God requires of us. This devotional reading looks at what is good and how…
We are continuing to look at how we should live to please God. This devotional reading looks at how we take up our crosses and follow Him. Nuggets We get…
As we tie up the Surety of Our Salvation series and the Habitual Holiness of Heart and Life theme, we start looking at how we should live to please God.…
We have to continue to seek God to ensure our salvation in Him. This devotional reading looks at meditating on and memorizing God’s Word while praying and submitting to Him.…
We’ve been looking at doubts that cause us to become uncertain about our salvation. This devotional reading begins to look at habits we can build to sure up our salvation.…
Disciples will be rewarded when they endure during this life. This devotional reading looks at a partial listing of our reward in Heaven, which is unimaginable to us now. Nuggets…