Receiving the Kingdom
Just hearing about the kingdom of God isn’t enough. We have to understand. Jesus told the parable about the sower to help us understand how we receive knowledge about the…
Just hearing about the kingdom of God isn’t enough. We have to understand. Jesus told the parable about the sower to help us understand how we receive knowledge about the…
Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God frequently without explaining much about it. This devotion looks at two conversations Jesus had that shed a little more light on what He…
Disciples will be worshiping out Lord through eternity. This devotion look at how Jesus will be the judge of the living and dead. Nuggets Jesus been designated Judge as a…
How can worship be a life and death matter? This devotion looks at how and why we worship. Nuggets Disciples have to choose to worship God and live accordingly.It is…
Nuggets We get to make our choices – even if we choose not to follow Him – but we need to be convinced when we do.God wants us to decide…
On first read, Roman 14: 1-4 may be somewhat confusing. Bottom line, it is talking about who we should include in worship – especially when things get contentious. This devotion…
One element of worship is praise. This devotion looks at different ways we praise God. Nuggets Everyone is supposed to shout joyfully and triumphantly praising God.We worship God because we…
If the Sabbath is a day of rest where we worship the One true God to show our covenant relationship with Him, how do we keep the Sabbath holy? What…
We are commanded in the fourth commandment to keep the Sabbath. But what does keeping it really mean? This devotion looks at what the Sabbath is and how we keep…
Nuggets Even if Jesus isn’t cruising in on His cloud tomorrow, now is the time for salvation -- even after conversion.We are called to change our character.The fulfillment of God’s…