What Are Moral Sins?
Paul gives us a list of sins in Galatians 5: 19-21. In the last devotion, we talked about sexual sins. In this devotion, we will discuss moral sins, such as…
Paul gives us a list of sins in Galatians 5: 19-21. In the last devotion, we talked about sexual sins. In this devotion, we will discuss moral sins, such as…
What was Paul talking about when he wrote about works of the flesh? He gave a list of sins we are to avoid. In this devotion, the first of three…
So, if there is this battle between the flesh and the Spirit, how do we make sure the Spirit wins? How do we let something we don’t see lead? This…
How can we walk in the Spirit when we are flesh and blood? This devotion discusses the battle that disciples have between their human nature and their spiritual nature. Nuggets…
So, if we want to do better at disciplining ourselves, how do we do that? Our end goal is to walk in the Spirit. This devotion looks at what walking…
Don’t most of us need more self-discipline when we are facing temptation? But how is self-discipline different from self-control? This devotion looks at those two terms and determines what we…
When God has promised us so much, why do we settle for less? But we do for whatever reason. This devotion looks at the time some of the Wilderness Wanderers…
Balaam and Balak thought they could get God to change His mind and curse the Wilderness Wanderers. But God cannot change His mind. This devotion shows us that we can…
What happens when Satan has you right where he wants you? Balak thought Balaam would curse the Wilderness Wanderers. This devotion looks at Balak’s assumption that sin had won. Nuggets…
Have you ever been in a temptation and felt something was trying to keep you from sinning? God will use any and every means to turn us off our sinful…