The goal of sanctification is to make us like God. That is regeneration. This daily devotional reviews what regeneration is and isn’t as well as its rewards.
Devotions in the Self-Discipline Review series

All year, we’ve been looking at self-discipline. We looked at self-discipline as the operational plan for self-control because it talked about improvement.
We are reviewing everything and hopefully putting all of the building blocks together. What I am doing is going through all of the devotions for the year and pulling out the nuggets.
I am formatting this as a glossary page. If I already have one, I will combine them later.
Okay. Let’s regroup a second. In the last devotion, we said that sanctification begins with regeneration. That is when God makes us holy. So, what does regeneration mean?
What Is Regeneration?
Regeneration is the change in us that God brings about through the work of the Holy Spirit when we go from being spiritually dead to spiritually alive.
Regeneration is a process that begins instantaneously at conversion (Applying the Spiritual World to Everyday Life).
Our conversion experience begins with faith. This triggers regeneration — we become a new creation (The Holy Spirit within Us).
Salvation brings regeneration and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (How Do We Let the Spirit Lead?).
If righteousness is the product of holiness, and holiness is the product of regeneration that comes with faith, it all begins with a choice. We choose to admit our sins, believe on Jesus as Redeemer, and confess God as Sovereign Lord (What Is Righteousness?)
Some believe that regeneration doesn’t occur until baptism occurs. They think repentance doesn’t cleanse us; baptism does. Baptism allowed regeneration because of our contact with living water (Is Baptism a Part of Salvation).
Regeneration allows grace to have a place in our lives (Applying the Spiritual World to Everyday Life).

In order to receive the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood, we need to repent. But it is not just feeling sorry for doing wrong things. It is making the commitment to change ourselves through obedience so that we no longer do the wrong things. The thing we have to pay particular attention to is that this repentance brings regeneration. What was regeneration? It is a change (Completion from the Cross).
What Nicodemus did and didn’t understand is God takes us as we are and makes something totally new (Born for the Kingdom).
Regeneration is renewing our minds (Learning to be a New Creation).
Sanctification, the evidence of justification, starts with regeneration and holiness and is the process of building the relationship with God that leads to righteousness (What Is the Relationship between Righteousness and Sanctification?).
We become children of God by regeneration (How Are Disciples Peacemakers?).
We get a spirit nature as part of regeneration (The Witness of the Spirits).
Being a new creation allows the Holy Spirit to take up residence. One problem is, He has a lot of remodeling to do. We are still in our physical bodies, so we are still in our sinful bodies. That is where regeneration continues (The Holy Spirit within Us).
Regeneration gives us a new character. However, during our lifetimes, we work on fusing that character with our physical character so that we imitate God. We have to make a conscious effort to grow to be like God. This means that it has to work on our hearts, minds, and free will (Born for the Kingdom).
God builds us, over time, to be more like Him. This is done through regeneration and sanctification (God’s Adopting Church).
God wants us to change our character to be like Him, not just our mindset to follow His rules. God wants us regenerated (The Council Has Spoken).
God doesn’t just flip a switch, and we are that new creation. It takes work on our part. That work is done as we learn Who God is and what He wants us to be (Learning to be a New Creation).
Three of the steps in the process from conversion to perfection are the following: regeneration = renewal; justification = pardon; and sanctification = being made holy (What Does Sanctification Have to Do with Purity?).
Calvary provided the only way to beat sin. It brought regeneration (Does God Really Call Us to Give Up Everything?).
All the waiting is going to pay great dividends. It will be a renewal. The churchy word is regeneration (Isaiah’s Message on Renewal).
See Also
What Regeneration Isn’t
Some people think they only need to be kind to others in order to get their ticket punched for heaven. Or doing the do’s and not doing the don’ts. Or just believing there is a God. Most of that takes care of following God’s laws. But we are neither fully following them nor following them for the right reasons. Plus, it does nothing toward regeneration (Receiving the Kingdom).
Divine Help with Regeneration
Everything is built on Jesus because He is the only way we get reconciled with God. Every time we move forward in our relationship with God, Satan tries harder to attack us. The Holy Spirit lives within us to accomplish the work of regeneration and sanctification (The Foundation of the Church).
The Holy Spirit lives within us to accomplish the work of regeneration and sanctification (The Foundation of the Church).
Jesus was all about salvation and regeneration making us spiritually alive (Why God Calls Us to Give Up Everything).
The Rewards of Regeneration
The only way we begin to become pure is to admit our sins, believe Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer, and confess God as Sovereign Lord. Once we do, God call us to have a change of heart. This happens two ways: regeneration and sanctification (How Are Disciples Pure in Heart?).
We have to open our hearts and minds to accept Jesus as our Savior to become children of God. We become children of God through His grace, regeneration and adoption (Paul’s Take on Children of God).

Victory over death occurs by degrees. Victory is secured by: Christ assuming our sins, the regeneration of those accepting the Plan of Salvation to change our nature, the changing of our views on death, and the resurrection (Isaiah’s Message on Our Call).
Regeneration and the Other Churchy Words
How being born again is different than regeneration? Being born again is a principle of grace, something that is infused instead of acquired, due to the power of God, an inward change, and the birth of all of our graces. Is maybe being born again the what and regeneration the how? Or is it like sanctification: navigating the Sanctification Road, working out our salvation, and growing from milk babies to steak adults? (Applying the Spiritual World to Everyday Life).
• Election is about God’s choice. He elected to not write us off after Adam and Eve sinned. Instead, God chose that the purpose of grace would be to restore us. He does that through regeneration (What Is Election?).
• Faith is the substitute for the product of being set apart, perfect, and pure. Is that what it is saying — it is okay if we aren’t perfect and pure as long as we have faith? Well, yes and no, in my opinion (and this is just an opinion). We just said we aren’t going to get it right all the time. Faith is what accepts the gift of grace when we are still sinners — far from being righteous. But that doesn’t give us license to keep on being far from perfect and pure. We have to go through the process of regeneration (What Is Righteousness?).
• Peace comes by the regeneration (God’s Law Creates Peace).
• Iniquity is another name for sin. When we ABCD, we repent. That means we have experienced regeneration. That also started us on the Sanctification Road (Spiritual Wisdom Leads to Righteousness).
• If righteousness is the product of holiness, and holiness is the product of regeneration that comes with faith, it all begins with a choice. We choose to admit our sins, believe on Jesus as Redeemer, and confess God as Sovereign Lord. The righteousness comes when we demonstrate that commitment by following our job description (What Is Righteousness?).
See Also
New Nuggets
God chose to love us. He also chose to change us.
You see, it isn’t just about reconciliation. Oh, yes. We need forgiveness for our sins. We are separated from God and are disobeying His laws and commandments.
But regeneration is about restoration. Restoration is bringing it back to what it was.
What God wants to bring us back to is what Adam and Eve had before the original sin. That can be accomplished through grace. Grace leads to faith, which leads to salvation, which leads to regeneration.
God can do this.
When we are navigating the sanctification road, we are doing what God wants us to do. That means we are being loyal and faithful to Him.
It also means that we are changing our character to be like God’s. Regeneration means we are changing to be like Him.
Father God. You are reconciling us to You in order to restore us to our former selves. We want to be changed to be like You. That happens through regeneration. Thank You that regeneration changes us from being spiritually dead to spiritually alive. Help us to navigate the Sanctification Road, so that we can be regenerated to Your character. Amen.

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Father God. You are reconciling us to You in order to restore us to our former selves. We want to be changed to be like You. That happens through regeneration. Thank You that regeneration changes us from being spiritually dead to spiritually alive. Help us to navigate the Sanctification Road, so that we can be regenerated to Your character. Amen.
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Leave me a comment below (about this or anything else) or head over to my Facebook group for some interactive discussion.
If you don’t understand something and would like further clarification, please contact me.
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