We like it when our lives are smooth sailing. We don’t like to be broken. God uses broken people, however, to further His kingdom. This daily devotional looks at the purpose of being broken and how much we can endure.
- When things are going smoothly (the world’s definition of success), we generally do not seek God.
- Being broken through trials not only help us grow in our faith, but it also helps others see God working in us.

Vocalist: Elaine Guthals
Keyboard: Chris Vieth
If we had our choice, we would skip being broken through trials. We like it so much better when things go smoothly.
But things going smoothly is the world’s way. That is one of the world’s definitions of success.
The thing about smooth sailing, though, is we usually don’t seek God when things are going great. A lot of times, we look for our Lord and Savior only when we need saving from whatever trials we are going through.
What Is the Purpose of Broken?
"For God, who said, 'let light shine out of darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of Clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us" (II Cor. 4: 6-7 ESV)
We will have seasons of trials, but these trials end. Those seasons have a purpose. God knows what we need in order to grow in His grace and knowledge (II Pet. 3: 18). We get through the trials by His power, not our own.
But there is another purpose for our trials. Isn’t it easier for others to see God in us when we are in the process of being broken? Think of it this way.
The Light of God is always within us. God resides in the core of our being.
To read a related devotion, click the button below.
Unfortunately, it often appears that our circumstances dictate when others can see God’s light in us. When things are going well and there is sunshine all around, it can be hard for others to see His Light.
It is through the trials — when our world is cracked or totally broken — that the true Light can shine through. That is when God’s Light seeps out through the cracks so others can see it.
The purpose of these trials is for us to grow. But when we put our trust in God — even when we are filled with anxiety — others see Him through the cracks.
Our witness to others is strengthened through these trials. As they see us depending on God during the trials and His bringing us through, that provides a powerful testimony to them about God’s provision.
Verse Commentary
How Much Can We Endure?
I have always liked the meme that says, because of the trials I have endured, I can bench press a Buick. Ooo, baby, I think I am way past the Buick. I’m up to bench pressing a house. Some days, I feel like I am working toward bench pressing the planet.
The Bible says that God only gives us what we can endure (I Cor. 10: 13). The problem is, we see that from our perspective, not God’s. We really don’t know how much we can endure — with His comforting Presence.

It is through God’s strength that we endure. It isn’t our own. He is much stronger than us, so the trials we can endure with Him might be much harder than we imagine we can endure.
But isn’t that the purpose of the trials? We are to grow in God’s grace and knowledge. That means we are able to endure harder and harder trials.

Making the Connections
Christianity is counterculture. At times, it is the diametric opposite of what the world has deemed normal.
The world’s normal is not God within them. Praise be to God — He is within believers.
Isn’t it easier for others to see God when we are in the process of being broken? His light radiates out of us through the broken pieces. They see how He is comforting us and providing for us in these rough times.
The trials will get harder as we grow in our faith. Satan will have to try harder to get us to deny God.

How Do We Apply This?
God understands how difficult the trials can be. He knows that we can lose our focus on Him. No, He would rather we kept focus on Him, but He understands we are still in the fallen world. He understands we are still jars of clay.
It has always helped me to understand why a trial is happening. That helps me understand how God wants me to grow.
It is hard, sometimes, because God doesn’t always tell me the why. In those instances, I just have to put my faith in Him that He knows what is best for me.
Another hard part is the witnessing part. We have to open ourselves to others so they can see God’s Light in us.
Ooo, baby, we don’t want that, sometimes. That is especially true if the trial is dealing with some sin that we have committed that we would rather be buried deep away so no one finds out about it. We don’t want to talk about the cause of the trials.
Then again, sometimes, we don’t want to talk about the effects either. They may be too personal. They may be too complex for a short conversation — and sometimes, that is all we want to do. We don’t want the investment of a long conversation.
But if we are witnessing to non-believers, we have to build the relationships. We have to be transparent and intentional. We have to use the tools that God has given us to make connections with others.
To read a related devotion about asking hard question, click the button below.
We have to show God as being real and relevant. We have to show the purpose for the Light.
Yes, it is hard. No, we don’t want people to know some things about us. What we have to do is use our experiences to show the love God has for all.
Our trials have the purpose of growing us. However, they can also be a witness to others, whether they, themselves, are seeking God or not. What others see when the Light of God shines through our broken pieces is our dependence on Him.
Merciful Heavenly Father. You take our cracks and use them to further Your kingdom. We may not like how the cracks are made, but we want to do Your Will. We want Your Light to shine through us so that all can see. Help us to be transparent and intentional, especially when the trials deal with personal issues. Use us, Lord, to bring others to You. Amen.
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Pingback: When We Give Up on God – Seeking God with Elaine
I was searching Google for phrases about our light shining through the cracks of our brokenness and stumbled upon your blog. I needed the phrase to go on a “kindness rock “‘ I was painting. I ended up between finishing my rock and reading your blog and so thankful I found your blog. I feel so broken and really needed your message. I’d like to send you a picture of the rock I painted but didn’t see how I could on here.
Thank you for inspiring me
Oh, I would love to see a picture of your kindness rock! If you navigate to me contact me page, you will find a link to my email. I am so glad that the devotion helped you,
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As we surrender our stubbornness…
and leave it at the foot of the cross…
GOD LIFTS US UP to SHINE another day.
Yes, He does!