Why Do We Set Our Affections Above?
God wants us to build relationships. This daily devotional looks at three relationships disciples should build to set their affection on things above. Nuggets We should set our affections above…
God wants us to build relationships. This daily devotional looks at three relationships disciples should build to set their affection on things above. Nuggets We should set our affections above…
Instead of setting our affections on earthly things, we are to set our affection above. This daily devotional looks at how we are to seek God first. Nuggets Instead of…
In the last devotion, we started looking at the fact that we will suffer consequences when we set our affections on earthly things below. This daily devotional completes the discussion…
When we set our affections on earthly things below, we will suffer consequences. This daily devotional looks at provoking the all-knowing God into giving us that for which we ask.…
To complete our redo for godliness, we need to take our focus off earthly things. This daily devotion looks at switching our focus back to God. Nuggets We need to…
We are looking at Beveridge’s sermon about setting our affections on things above. This daily devotional concludes the look at reasons against focusing on earthly things. Nuggets Accepting the gift…
It might be easy at times to set our affections on earthly things. This daily devotional begins to look at the reasons why we shouldn’t do that. Nuggets Knowing Jesus…
God creates an environment that is conducive to change. This daily devotional looks at how that environment includes love, desire, and joy. Nuggets Because we are recipients of God’s unchanging…
When we think about our redo for godliness, that means we are setting our sights on things above. This daily devotional begins the series by looking at what constitutes things…
Peter gave us an excellent example of how a disciple can still sin. This daily devotional looks at how it occurred and Jesus’ response. Nuggets We don’t want to do…