The Rest of the Reasons Why We Have an Outward Religion
In the last devotion, we began looking at reasons why we choose outward religion. This devotional reading concludes looking at these reasons. Nuggets We have an outward religion when we…
In the last devotion, we began looking at reasons why we choose outward religion. This devotional reading concludes looking at these reasons. Nuggets We have an outward religion when we…
We’ve talked about what outward religion is. This devotional reading looks at the reasons why we choose outward religion Nuggets We have an outward religion when we are impulsive and…
Unfortunately, not all disciples are true disciples. This devotional reading looks at ways we are false disciples. Nuggets We aren’t a true disciple if we think discipleship gives us license…
We are saved through grace, but it doesn’t stop there. This devotional reading looks at how salvation leads to spiritual worship. Nuggets God extends His grace to us through His…
Worldview people think disciples should follow the spirit of God’s law instead of the letter of it. This devotional reading looks at how God wants us to act. Nuggets Worldview…
Each of us wants to find approval. This devotional reading looks at whether we should seek man’s approval or God’s. Nuggets Our goal should not be to impress others.We should…
Let's Put It into Context The cursed thought they were sheep. “Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or…
Our conscience guides us to what is right and wrong. This devotional reading looks at the two results: fear or reward. Nuggets We shouldn’t fear God but love Him because…
We are to make a genuine profession of faith to God. This devotional reading looks at how we are to walk with God. Nuggets Our business is to walk with…
It is our goal to have a new heart so that we can become more like God. This devotional reading looks at how sanctifying that new heart is hindered by…