God Will Condemn and Punish the Wicked
God is Sovereign God, Who will judge us to determine if we have asked Jesus to be our Savior. This devotional reading looks at how those who are condemned for…
God is Sovereign God, Who will judge us to determine if we have asked Jesus to be our Savior. This devotional reading looks at how those who are condemned for…
There will be a Judgement Day. This devotional reading looks at justice for those who do not put their trust in Him Nuggets We can be assured that Judgement Day…
Our salvation is secured because everything depends on Jesus. This devotional reading looks at how Christ saves to the utmost when we draw near to God, even though we may…
Spiritual graces give us surety of our salvation. This devotional reading looks at how faith gives us eternal life. Nuggets Jesus doesn’t lose us because we have gained spiritual graces.Jesus…
We want to have our relationships with God restored. This devotional reading looks at how we are we are reconciled through Jesus. Nuggets Jesus doesn’t lose us because we have…
We can’t lose our salvation because we are pardoned by and reconciled to God. This devotional reading looks at Jesus’ part in that. Nuggets Jesus doesn’t lose us because He…
God gives us to Jesus. This devotional reading looks at how we can be sure in our salvation because we can be sure He is our Savior. Nuggets We are…
We are called to salvation through God’s grace. This devotional reading looks at how grace helps us overcome our doubts. Nuggets We are Christ’s because God has given us grace.Our…
A major component of a disciple’s sanctification process is humility. This devotional reading looks at how our lack of humility can affect the doubts of our salvation. Nuggets We don’t…
Unfortunately, we can begin to doubt our salvation. This devotional reading begins to look at how our doubts should be eliminated because we belong to Jesus. Nuggets God reveals the…