The Man in Eden
When God created the man, He had to create a place for him to live. This devotional reading looks at the Garden in which the ma lived and two of…
When God created the man, He had to create a place for him to live. This devotional reading looks at the Garden in which the ma lived and two of…
Genesis 1 gave the bare-bones account of the creation of man. This devotional reading looks at more information on Adam’s creation. Nuggets Humankind is accountable to God because He is…
Genesis 2 contains a second account of the creation story. This devotional reading look at how it expands the creations story by adding details. Nuggets It seems strange that we…
When God finished His creation, He rested. This devotional reading looks at how we are to take one day a week to worship Him. Nuggets God rested from creation so…
Once God had created humankind, He blessed them. This devotional reading looks at that blessing and how God ended His plan for creation. Nuggets God wanted humankind to grow to…
The last devotion looked at the creation of humankind. This devotional reading looks at making the connections and application of that. We started our discussion of God creating humankind in…
Day 6 has finally dawned. This devotional reading looks at the creation of humankind. Nuggets God created man in His own image.The Trinity had a divine consultation to determine how…
God has almost created all that He planned to create. This devotional reading looks at God creating animals. Nuggets Starting on Day 5 and continuing on to Day 6, God…
God had previously created spiritual Light. In this devotional reading, He created the sun, moon, and stars. Nuggets God focused on creating physical light on the fourth day. The sun…
We are looking at God creating the world. This devotional reading looks at Day 3, when God created dry land by organizing the seas and began creating things necessary for…