What Is Baptism?
Baptism is a divine ordinance, but what does that mean? What can we learn from different stories in the Scriptures about baptism? Nuggets Jesus was baptized so He wouldn’t be…
Baptism is a divine ordinance, but what does that mean? What can we learn from different stories in the Scriptures about baptism? Nuggets Jesus was baptized so He wouldn’t be…
Paul gave us a to do list on how to live our lives. This devotion looks at what he advised. Nuggets We need to focus on the needs of other…
Nuggets Our love for others should be genuine and heartfelt.To put our spiritual life as a priority, not our physical life – as it is with God’s – we need…
Nuggets We were designed to worship God, which takes faith. Disciples aren’t perfect, but God uses us anyway — to great success. We aren’t supposed to worship idols — we…
Nuggets Even though we are called to be perfect, we won’t accomplish that goal in this life.If we could be perfect in this life, Jesus wouldn’t have had to die…
Nuggets The Trinity works together to save us.Jesus was the only spotlessSacrifice that could have been offered that God would accept.We are described in the Scriptures as jars of clay.…
Nuggets We are the temple/church.We look forward to that day when the church is called home.Wherever we reside — on earth or in heaven — we are God’s. Devotions in…
In looking at things to solidify what we actually believe, we will be looking at the church for the next several devotions. This devotion looks at the opposite of God’s…
Nuggets God is everywhere.God through His Holy Spirit lives within us; therefore, we can’t hide from Him.God especially comes to us to encourage us when we are down and to…
Along with being all-powerful, God is all-knowing. This devotion looks at what omniscience is and what that means for us. Nuggets It didn’t just take God’s power to create the…