Master, the Tempest Is Raging

I am numb right now. I have been since Monday night.

Pastor Chad went home to be with the Lord. This was very unexpected — for us. I’ve heard several “Is this for real?” responses to the email that went out.

I’ve introduced you to Pastor Chad through things he’s said in his sermons and providing links to them. One of my favorite quotes was the following.


“Each and every one of us, through the power of the gospel message, have the ability to bring change in this world because, by just simply speaking the gospel, introducing people to God through His Word, people will come to know Him, and peoples’ lives will be transformed. Once you’ve had an encounter with Christ, your life will be transformed. We understand that, if we can introduce people to Christ and they can come to be saved, then the problems of this world will seem like bygone issues.”


To me, that was Chad’s motto and mission. That was also his charge to us.

When I texted Chad and told him I was using the quote, I also told him I was modifying it a little from how it came across on the video. I took out a “because” and an “and” and broke it into three sentences. I just have a thing about 89-word sentences. He got a laugh.

What Does Satan Have to Do with This?

We had our first post-COVID prayer breakfast Tuesday morning. We were discussing how far our church has come in the two years Chad has been our pastor.

The comment was made that Satan is trying to tear the church apart.

I got to thinking. Satan can’t do anything that God does not allow him to do. He cannot disrupt God’s plans.

This has always been God’s Plan A for Chad’s life and for our church’s life. God doesn’t do Plan Bs.

We don’t understand why this had to happen. We don’t know why a wife and four young kids are now without their husband and father. We don’t understand why our church is without our leader.

God lets us come to Him and ask why — when we do so in faith. We have to say His way is always best.

We may not be told all of the reasons why. God will tell us what we need to know — and that will be good enough.

Day Off

I always get things scheduled to broadcast late in the evening. Wednesday night, we are going to have a prayer vigil. It is going to be a rough one.

I haven’t done this since I have started putting these devotions out here. I am going to take a day off and concentrate on me, Adam, and my church family.

So, instead of doing a devotion, I am going to leave you with this song. It was one of my favorite hymns growing up.

It has the message I need to hear right now. (I’ve said before that these devotions start with God talking to me first.)

Master the Tempest is Raging
Vocalist: Elaine Guthals
Keyboard: Louise Guthals Weiss

Please Pray

In your prayers, say a prayer for the Williams family and for the church family. Pray that we will move on with a cooperative spirit. Pray that we let God lead us to where He is taking us.

I’ll be back tomorrow.

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