The State of the Unregenerated World
An unregenerate world is under Satan’s rule. This devotional reading looks at how that is and what it means. Nuggets An unregenerated world has Satan as its ruler.An unregenerated world…
An unregenerate world is under Satan’s rule. This devotional reading looks at how that is and what it means. Nuggets An unregenerated world has Satan as its ruler.An unregenerated world…
Because the world hasn’t ABCDed and gained regeneration, it is an unregenerated world. This devotional reading looks at the four parts of the ungenerated world. Nuggets The unregenerated world has…
Coming with the Clouds We do know that Jesus is coming back.Jesus acknowledged that the kingdom would be God’s even though He would be ruler. People will see Jesus as…
God had a reason for giving John a vision. This devotional reading looks at what that purpose was. Nuggets God wanted John to make sure he shared what he saw…
When God and Jesus come to us, we need to respond to them. This devotional reading looks at how John responded to the Vision Man. Nuggets John fell to his…
John described the appearance of the Man in his vision. This devotional reading looks at terms that describe this Man as Jesus and terms that describe this Man as God.…
John set the stage for the first vision he was given. This devotional reading looks at where he was, what he was doing, and what happened next. Nuggets The beloved…
We usually refer to Jesus as the Alpha and Omega. This devotional reading looks at how God is also considered the alpha and omega. Nuggets We generally think of Jesus…
We are constantly being told that we have to be prepared for Jesus to return. This devotional reading looks at how we are to prepare. Nuggets Jesus will refine us…
We need to ABCD before Jesus comes again, but our salvation is not yet complete. This devotional reading looks at how Jesus’ Second Coming culminates in our salvation. Nuggets Our…