How Do We Bless God? (1.1)
There are many verses in Scriptures that say God will bless us. But Paul says that we are to bless God. What? This daily devotional looks at how we can…
There are many verses in Scriptures that say God will bless us. But Paul says that we are to bless God. What? This daily devotional looks at how we can…
Not giving in to sinful desires is hard. Paul called this crucifying the flesh. This daily devotional looks at how the Holy Spirit uses fruits of the Spirit to change…
Living our lives controlled by sinful desires is the opposite of walking with the Holy Spirit. This daily devotional looks at a list of sins given to the Galatians by…
Our walk with the Spirit is threatened by the desires of the flesh. This daily devotional looks at how the desires of the Spirit is the opposite of the desires…
Because He is our Guide, we should walk with Spirit. This daily devotional looks at how we walk to be victorious over our sinful nature. Nuggets Walking by the Spirit…
Even though God may not appear to us, send His angels or even just flat out talks to us, He speaks to us these days. This daily devotional looks at…
Over the last few devotions, we have looked at examples of how God Himself appeared to people. He also sent His Representative to earth. While this isn’t theophany, Jesus is…
For the last three devotions, we have looked at examples of how God appeared to people. He has taken different forms to accomplish that. He had to, didn’t He? He…
We have been looking at God appearing to people as angels and in visions and dreams. This daily devotional looks at more physical forms God takes to reveal Himself to…
In the last devotion, we looked at examples of people who said they saw God. This daily devotional looks at some of the different forms God takes to reveal Himself…