How Do We Bring God Glory?

If bringing glory to God is job duty #3, how are believers to do that? Jesus answered that question. This devotion looks at how believers are to be a light in the world to bring glory to God.


  • If Jesus is light and is within us, we need to make sure He shines out of us.
  • Works do not save us; however, works show God is our Father.
  • God will be glorified as we show non-believers His love.

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Flowers with title How Do We Bring Glory to God?

We started out at Niagara Falls, Canada. The destination was Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Adam was again running the GPS (which we have named Gwen). He was holding it, so I couldn’t see the screen. I felt like I was flying blind.

At one point, I asked where we were. He said, “All you need to know is that we are somewhere in Pennsylvania.”

I started thinking. Gwen is supposed to lead us to Philadelphia. She is supposed to do her job and point the way. Success is us getting there, preferably the first try.

I thought about this passage where we are to be a light to the world for the glory of God. Being light in this world to bring God glory is the Gwen of this story. Bringing glory to God is job duty #3.

Let's Put It into Context

In Matthew’s gospel, the discussion about believers being a light in the world comes right after the Beatitudes. I think it is really appropriate that Jesus told His listeners, “Here are things you should do. Now, go and show everyone you doing that because it will reflect Me.”

Jesus told believers that they are the salt of the earth (Mt. 5: 13). He was concerned, though, that salt loses its flavor (Mt. 5: 13). He said, once salt has lost its flavor, it cannot get its flavor back.

Believers are different. If we do turn away from God, we can repent and turn back.

Then Jesus turned to talking about light. He told us not to hide our light but, rather, to let it shine.

Jesus Is the Light of the World

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven" (Mt. 5: 16 ESV)

John 8: 12 says, “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’” (ESV). We are to reflect His light.


Let Your Light Shine

Jesus is the light of the world. Without Him, the world would be in darkness.

Jesus’ light can still shine in this world — through us. If we are believers, we are to imitate Jesus.

To read What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?, click the button below.


If Jesus is within us, we need to make sure He shines out of us. We are to reflect a Him. We show how His light is so much better than the darkness of the world.

We have to make sure that light shines out of us. Philippians 2: 15 says, “that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world” (ESV).


To shine our light, we have to make sure we are doing the Father’s Will. Unconfessed sin can be considered a basket under which our lights hide. It diminishes and deflects the light of Jesus from shining out of us.

See Your Good Works

Works do not save us; however, works show God is our Father. Our works show how we are different from the world.

To read What Is a Definition of Works?, click the button below.

But it has to be more than just not doing the don’ts. We have to do the do’s — consistently.

Others have to see our good works. Matthew 5: 14-16 says, “You are the light of the world — like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your Heavenly Father” (NLT).

Did that hit you like it hit me? Usually we think about “go to your closet” (Mt. 6: 6) and “give in secret” (Mt. 6: 4). Or we think about how doing this so others can see might be considered prideful.

This was “let everyone see” (Mt. 5: 16). This was “don’t hide it” (Mt. 5: 14).

Our light must not only shine so non-believers can see the light in us, but it must also shine so God sees the light in us. We must show how Jesus’ Light in us has transformed us.


Bring Glory to Your Father

The focus is God, not us. We aren’t doing things so people will think we are so wonderful. We do things so that they may come to know Jesus as their Redeemer and God as their Lord.

God will be glorified as we show non-believers His love. When our lives are a witness as to what He is doing in them, He is glorified.

We bring glory to God by obeying Him. That also allows our lights to shine out so others can see.

Making the Connections

We need to be the Gwens of this world. We need to be the light guiding non-believers to the destination of admitting their sins, believing on Jesus as Redeemer, and confessing God as Sovereign Lord. The destination should be a transformed life as a child of the King.

How Do We Apply This?

We apply this by following Jesus. We become a true disciple, looking to imitate Him and let His light shine out through us. We live as He asks us to live. Most of all, we give Him control of our lives.

Yes, we are going to be a work in progress here on this earth. God Will Love us and guide us as we truly seek to live for Him.

Father. You have called us to be imitators of Jesus. You want His light reflected through us. Lord, we want to live e way You want us to live. We want to be the beacon that guides others to You. Help us to do that. Forgive us when we fail. Prepare us to live eternally with You. Amen.

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