• Being rooted and grounded in God talks about wanting to imitate His character (How Do Disciples Grow?).
  • We shouldn’t compare ourselves to others; rather we should imitate Jesus (How Are We to Evaluate Ourselves?).
  • We should imitate Jesus and do whatever God calls us to do (What Does It Mean to Take Up Our Crosses?).
  • Being poor in the spirit is about not focusing on us but focusing on God. It is submitting to Him and living the kind of life that imitates Him (Are Disciples to be Docile?).
  • We are to change our lives to imitate Him (How Are Disciples Humble?).
  • There has to be evidence of that submission. It can’t be just words that we’ve said. We have to show with our lives we are trying to imitate Him (How Do Disciples Crave Righteousness?).
  • When we imitate Jesus, we are brought up to His level (Who Is Jesus as God?).
  • Since we are imitating Jesus, that strengthens our connection with Him level (Who Is Jesus as God).