The Sincerity of Spiritual Worship
We must be sincere in worshiping God. This devotional reading looks at serving God with all our hearts. Nuggets We are to be sincere, but sincerely alone isn’t what we…
We must be sincere in worshiping God. This devotional reading looks at serving God with all our hearts. Nuggets We are to be sincere, but sincerely alone isn’t what we…
Main Nugget Forming Our Habits to Grow Our Relationship with God All souls of mankind belong to God because He is our Creator and He cares for us. He did…
The worldview tries to assert that what is in reality faulty reasoning isn’t. This devotional reading looks at what happens when that reasoning is followed. Nuggets God allows us to…
We can let guilt pull us away from God. This devotional reading looks at how we need to be committed to believing God can and will forgive us. Nuggets God…
Disciples are responsible for complying with the Great Commission. This devotional reading looks at what going means, how we are to make disciples, and the timeline for our mission. Nuggets…
God calls us each to have responsibilities in expanding His kingdom. This devotional reading looks at how this call is the same. Nuggets Jesus calls all to preach the Gospel.Jesus…
Strength comes from God when we are His children. This devotional reading looks at how God’s love for us provides us strength. Nuggets God loves us so much that He…
We’ve been looking at how having the mind of Christ means we should have His attitude. This devotional reading looks at how we should engage our strength. Nuggets We utilize…
We’ve been looking at how having the mind of Christ means we should have His attitude. This devotional reading looks at how we should work to become as He is…
We’ve been saying that having the mind of Christ means we have His attitude. This devotional reading looks at how that attitude can be carried out by our actions. Nuggets…