Christ’s Great Preaching under the New Testament Dispensation
Jesus was not only the Message of the gospel, but He was also the Messenger. This devotional reading looks at how and through whom He taught. Nuggets Jesus approached the…
Jesus was not only the Message of the gospel, but He was also the Messenger. This devotional reading looks at how and through whom He taught. Nuggets Jesus approached the…
Jesus was a master teacher Who used the Old Testament as the foundation of His teachings. This devotional reading looks at how Jesus taught of the need for salvation Nuggets…
Mankind was presented the good tidings because we are treasured by God. This devotional reading looks at three ways in which God’s Word described how and why we are valued…
When we think about Christ on the cross, we think about the good news that His story proclaims. This devotional reading begins to look at explaining the good news of…
Disciples of Christ have nothing to fear on the Day of the Lord. This devotional reading looks at the consequences of the unregenerated world’s refusal to submit to God as…
Disciples must live in a unregenerated world. This devotional reading looks at challenges disciples face. Nuggets The worldview offers a hateful and repugnant world.The worldview offers a prideful solution to…
The unregenerated world is full of apostasy. This devotional reading looks at what that means and what it means to the world. Nuggets Because sin corrupts us, punishment is needed…
The unregenerated world is full of apostasy. This devotional reading looks at what that means and what it means to the world. Nuggets Disciples should have the opposite of apostasy…
Evil is called wicked in God’s Word. This devotional reading looks at how the slavery of sin causes bitterness. Nuggets Sin in the unregenerated world is bitter and possessive.Sin in…
An unregenerated world does not have God, making it wicked. This devotional reading looks at how it is bound by sin and disobedience. Nuggets The unregenerated world is bound by…