No Christmas Peace
Why does it seem that there is no peace in Christmas? It seems like our holidays are filled with anything but. This devotion looks at how Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
Are We Responsible for Not Submitting to God?
Is God really going to hold us accountable for not submitting ourselves to Him? There is a really interesting verse in Jeremiah that answers that question. This devotion explores whether our refusal to give our lives to God has consequences.
Check Your Attitude When You Worship God
Why should we guard our steps when approaching God? Isn’t He our Father? This devotion discusses the attitude that we should exhibit when coming into His presence in His house – and at other times.
How Do We Imitate God?
As disciples, we are preparing ourselves for our eternal lives. To do that, we need to imitate God in this life. In this devotion, we look at how we can imitate God and why we are called children of God.
Remembering What God Has Done for Us
As disciples of Jesus, we need to be on our toes. We should never forget what He has done – in the Bible stories or in our own stories. This devotion looks at why we are to remember and what we are to pass on to our children.
Are Men and Women Equal?
For the past few devotions, we have been discussing the roles of husbands and wives. But what about men and women in general? This devotion looks at what the Bible says about men and women being equal.
Not Judge, But Forgive
Disciples of Jesus have been accused of being judgmental. That is not what Jesus called us to be. This devotion looks at Luke 6: 37 to see how what attitude Jesus has called us to have.
God Challenges Us to Grow
God is an awesome God Who does amazing, miraculous things. Jesus challenged those He came in contact with – and He challenges us. This devotion will looks at how God challenges us and supports us through those challenges.
Can God Use Just One Person to Accomplish His Plans?
We think that, for the big world-saving plans, God will use someone else to accomplish His plan. Sometimes, He does; sometimes, He uses us. This devotion looks at how God used Esther to save His people.
How Are We to Intentionally Be Seeking God?
God calls us to intentionally seek Him. We may question how we are to do that. This devotion looks at James 1: 25 to provide answers.
What Kind of Plans Does God Have for Us?
God does want our plans to be successful — as long as they are in line with His plans for us. We have to trust God to devise a plan that is best for us. This devotion looks at being committed to God’s plan for our lives.
What Is This Good We Are to Not Tire of Doing?
The Bible tells us to not tire in doing good (Gal. 6: 9). But what is it talking about? This devotion looks at how good is defined in this instance and how we can put that good into practice.
How Should We Teach Our Kids to Be Kind?
As parents, we have a special opportunity to train our children to be the people God wants us to be. One way is to teach our children to be kind to others. This devotion looks at to whom we are to be kind.
How Do We Choose Our Plans Wisely?
We generally make plans regarding what we want to do in our lives. Sometimes, though, we hit a crossroad and wonder which direction we should go. This devotion looks at Proverbs 19: 21 and Jeremiah 6: 16 to see what directions those verses give us in going through our daily walks.
How Do We Forgive Others?
Forgiving someone is hard. Our spouses, family, or friends may have done something that hurt us and requires our forgiveness. This devotion explores a process we can take to forgive others.
If Not Revenge, Then What?
This devotion is the third in the four-part When We’ve Been Wronged series. If we are not to react in revenge, what attitude should believers have when someone has wronged them? This devotion looks at forgiveness.
Isn't Karma Enough?
This devotion is the second in the four-part When We’ve Been Wronged series. We sometimes feel that, if we don’t retaliate in a situation, we are doing what God is asking. This devotion looks at holding a grudge and how that isn’t what God is asking us to do, either.
Should Believers Seek Revenge?
This devotion is the first in the four-part When We’ve Been Wronged series. Let’s face it, people are always hurting others by an authentic or perceived wrong. Our gut reaction is to pay them back in kind. That isn’t exactly the way God wants us to handle it. This devotion looks at what revenge is and whose it is.
How Can We Wait Silently While Not Being Silent?
While we wait for the Lord to act, Psalm 62: 1 says we are to stand silently. Does that mean we are to be inactive? This devotion looks at what waiting silently for God to rescue us really means.
How Do We Wrestle with God?
Even though we can’t see God, we can still wrestle with Him. Many times, we do this as we are processing what He is calling us to do. This devotion looks at we wrestle with God and our self-perception or attitude about ourselves.
Did Jesus Experience Peer Pressure?
More and more, believers are pressured to conform to the worldview. Peer pressure isn’t something new. This devotion looks at the pressure Jesus suffered while on the cross.
Did Jesus Struggle with His Mission?
I gave this devotion the working title of Garden Crisis. Jesus had a moment in the Garden of Gethsemane. This devotion looks at how Jesus struggled with the mission He was given and how He overcame.
How Quickly the Crowd Changes
Jesus entered Jerusalem as a King. He ended the week hung on the cross as a criminal. What changed? This devotion examines the attitude of the crowds.
What Were the Israelites Expecting in a Messiah?
We are told that the Israelites were looking for a military Messiah to free them from Roman rule. But what else were they looking for in a Messiah? This devotion looks at the expectations the Israelite people had for the coming Messiah.
Was Jesus a Hypocrite?
Jesus probably would have been called a hypocrite today. He’s hanging out with the poor, the tax collectors, and the Pharisees. This devotion digs deeper to see if that charge was accurate.
Praying the "Where Are You" Prayer
Trials can be difficult for us to go through. Our attitude as we are going through them is important. This devotions looks at the attitude God wants us to have when we go through trials.