Why does it seem that there is no peace in Christmas? It seems like our holidays are filled with anything but. This devotion looks at how Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
- The peace that is supposed to be associated with Christmas is with Jesus.
- Jesus as Prince of Peace is exactly what they needed — and we need.
- Jesus’ definition meant reconciliation with God.
- Jesus is the only one God found worthy.
- Jesus restored our relationship with God, reinstating His peace in us.
- Jesus is still working for us.

Best laid plans of mice and men. Have things just not gone the way you planned? That seems to happen a lot during Christmas time, doesn’t it? It seems Christmas is filled with chaos. And it gets worse every year.
We find a lot of activities to cram into our already-packed schedules. That really takes away our peace.
Decorations can eat up a lot of time. So many things can go wrong when putting the tree up. The only Christmas we lived in Cockroach Alley, we realized we couldn’t put on lights on the tree because there was no place to plug them in — unless I had extension cords (yes, plural).
What is a Christmas tree without lights? Mine had pretty gold beads.
Cooking can be time consuming. We not only have the Christmas dinner to plan for, we have all the potlucks to which we have to take a dish. That doesn’t include if we do other entertaining.
And cookies. Gotta have cookies.
Kids activities increase scheduled events. There are recitals, band concerts, plays … a whole variety of places the family has to be.
Adult activities also pack on the dates. How many people have annual Christmas parties at their houses? We tend to want to reconnect with people during the holidays.
Where is the peace that is supposed to be associated with Christmas? It is with Jesus.
Prince of Peace
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9: 6 NIV)
Look at Isaiah 9: 6. Princes, in those days, were expected to be warriors. But Jesus was to be the Prince of Peace.
How could a baby be a warrior?
Besides, it seems like the Israelites of that day had something in common with us today. They wanted their prayer for a Messiah answered today — if not yesterday. They didn’t want to have to wait 30 years for this Kid to grow up.
But Jesus as Prince of Peace is exactly what they needed — and we need. Let’s take a look.
What Peace Are We Talking About?
To the Hebrews, peace meant “notions of totality or completeness, success, fulfillment, wholeness, [and] harmony.” Hmmm. We can get behind that definition.
Jesus had a totally different definition. His definition meant reconciliation with God. It meant peace with our neighbors (Mk. 12: 31) and enemies (Lk. 6: 27) — and ourselves.
In other words, love everyone.
We talked unity and peace when we walked through Ephesians. Unity is peaceful. Jesus has broken down divisions that destroy the unity. His sacrifice has created a way that Jews and Gentile — everyone — have become one — children of God. In that way, hate is replaced by love.
We’ve talked about how hard it is to love ourselves. That is another thing we can blame on the results of sin. Before sin entered the world, we were comfortable in our own skin. Adam and Eve probably didn’t give a thought to what they looked like.
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Now, most people are obsessed with what they look like. If not to the level of obsession, they don’t like how they look.
But our peace is also wrecked because we are seemingly always at odds with our conscience. We can bite on ourselves for what we do or don’t do — especially when we don’t do God’s do’s or do His don’ts.
If we don’t have peace with ourselves, how can we expect peace with everyone else?

Jesus’ Qualifications
We can have peace because we put our faith and trust in the Prince of Peace. He is more than qualified for that position.
Jesus is the only one God found worthy. “For there is one God and one mediator between God and humanity, the man Christ Jesus” (I Tim. 2: 5 CSB). We know that because “…He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals” (Rev. 5: 5 NIV).
Because Jesus is the only One worthy, God has given Him a place of honor. “Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven. He saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God” (Ac. 7: 55 CSB).
What made Jesus worthy? He submitted to God’s Will — even though it hurt and was humiliating — in order to secure our pardon.
Yes, His peace had to have been shaken. And anyone else would have lashed out at the people putting them through that.
But Jesus didn’t. He endured. Why? Us. Propitiation. Atonement.
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Jesus even endured at the hands of His friends. One betrayed Him. One denied Him. All of them ran away when His human part needed them.
Don’t mistake Jesus’ meekness for weakness. That, He is not. Yes, He chooses the peaceful route. We’ll see Jesus the Warrior some day.
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Jesus Rocked His Job Here on Earth
Oh, Jesus fulfilled God’s plan of salvation. Jesus was born of a virgin, making Him 100% God and 100% man. He gave His life on the cross for us so that His blood could pay the price for our sins. Because of God’s great might and power, He rose from the grave, conquering death and paying the price for our sins.
Nailed it.
Jesus restored our relationship with God, reinstating His peace in us.
Mission accomplished.

Jesus Is Still Slaying His Job
Yep, Jesus is up there right beside God (Ac. 7: 55). I bet He is leaning over, whispering in God’s ear.
“See, Tom down there. I think just a little more prompting by the Spirit, and he will turn his life over to You. Poor Sally. Look how depressed she is. She needs a blast of Your peace. Did You see how Elaine stood up to Satan, telling him she wasn’t going to deny You? They are — and I want them to be — Mine. You promised ‘no one can snatch them out of [Your] hand’ (Jn. 10: 29 NIV).”
What? You don’t think He is? But the Bible tells us “… for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us” (Rom. 8: 34 NLT).
Jesus is still working for us.
Making the Connections
It is easy to think someone besides Jesus is the author of the peace. I mean, when He was born, Rome was at peace. Being the ruler of the world at that time, if they were at peace, so was everyone else.
Jesus didn’t wreck that peace. There was no bloody coup. Yep, the Israelites wanted one because they wanted a military Messiah.
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Who would Jesus have fought? The Pharisees? The Sadducees?
We aren’t going to find peace in the tree, the snow, the parties. We are going to find it in Jesus.
I think Adam said it best.
“The Christmas season may be chaotic, but that too is part of God’s plan. My favorite part of Christmas is when, in the middle of the chaos, God gives us a moment of calm, and we perceive the peace and joy that Jesus brought to us two thousand years ago.”

With Jesus in our hearts, we should have peace. “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 5: 1 ESV).
Jesus not only brought peace with Him, but He also left it here. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14: 27 ESV).
How Do We Apply This?
Sometimes, though, it is really hard to do what Philippians 4: 6-7 tells us to do. It says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (ESV).
We get caught up on the hustle and bustle of the holidays, and the anxiety starts. How are we going to fit everything in? How are we going to pay for all of this? Is our family going to get along this time?
We don’t access the peace that is there to calm us. That peace is for the Christmas season and for every day of our lives. “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful” (Col. 3: 15 ESV).
Do you think we sometimes lose the peace because we lose the thankfulness? Do those two sorta go hand in hand? When we are thankful for what we have and where we are at, doesn’t that increase our peace? Doesn’t that make us more joyful?
So, when our plans go up in smoke when we are hanging the stockings at the fireplace, take a deep breath. A little baby brought us peace. Dial into that peace and joy. Go on with His plans.
Loving God. We get so caught up in our daily lives and our plans. We let the worries of this world steal our peace. You have graciously given us a peace that passes our understanding (Phil. 4: 7). Help us to put aside the hustle and bustle of this world. Help us to focus on the Baby in the manger. May we always seek Your plans and accomplish those. Amen.
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He truly is our only peace, the perfect gift. John 14:27
He most definitely is!
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