A Sincere Acceptance of Salvation

Salvation is a gift from God, but we have to sincerely accept it. This devotion show an example of how that acceptance can be shown and what that means when we are witnessing.


  • We shouldn’t get discouraged if there isn’t a quick conversion or discount it as false if there is.
  • Salvation does not come without repentance.
  • That Jesus was innocent is the foundation of His sacrifice.
  • Believing in our hearts is important, but we have to tell others to show it is real.

Devotions in the What I Believe series

Devotions in the Salvation category

A Sincere Acceptance of Salvation

Belief: The First Step in Salvation
Love and Obedience: The Last Two Steps in Salvation

Flowers with title A Sincere Acceptance of Salvation

When we did the Salvation from the Cross devotion, I found this really good sermon entitled Conversion of the Dying Thief that I thought would be perfect for this series. It is only an outline (and I only put part of it in the drafts folder), but it made some really good points.

To read a related devotion, click the button below.

These points are going to be the headings. They help point out areas within presenting the plan of salvation where the non-believers may have some trouble understanding.

Let's Put It into Context

“And when he [the Holy Spirit] comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment” (Jn. 16: 8 ESV)

We have to remember that “conversion is God’s work …” “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God” (Eph. 2: 8 ESV).

We are called just to give the message. Our job may be a full-blown sermon like the Pastor-Chad types, or it may be a sentence or two plant-the-seed as any disciple — or anywhere in between.

The Holy Spirit is the One Who convicts. God is the One Who gives the forgiveness. We just tell how the message has impacted us.

That being said, we can get some good pointers from the exchange Jesus had on the cross with repentant dude. Let’s take a look.

The Evidences He Manifested of the Reality of His Conversion

No, the repentant guy did not get baptized. He didn’t turn over a new leaf and mend his way. His actions did not prove his words.

His words were enough because God saw his heart.

He Warned and Reproved His Fellow-Sufferer

Bible Verse“But the other answered, rebuking him: ‘Don’t you even fear God, since you are undergoing the same punishment?’” (Lk. 23: 40 CSB)

However much of the gospel repentant guy heard — prior to that day or Jesus’ gospel in a nutshell prayer — he heard enough to know Jesus was the real deal. He knew there was a connection between God and Jesus.

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That tells me that we shouldn’t get discouraged if there isn’t a quick conversion. But then, we shouldn’t discount it as false if there is.

Again, our job is to proclaim the gospel and make disciples. The rest is above our pay grade.

The Disciple’s Job Description

Complete Job Description

Individual Description

Job Duty #4
Proclaim the Gospel (Mark 16: 15)

Job Duty #6
Make Disciples (Matthew 28: 19-20)

Repentant guy knew enough that it called him to action. He started out by putting his other cross mate in his place.

Oh, how many times have we kept our mouths shut when we have had an opportunity to witness for our Savior? Especially if we had to contradict someone! We are more afraid of getting rejected than believing we could possibly make a difference in someone’s life.

He Made an Open Confession of his Guilt, and Acknowledged the Justice of His Sentence

“We are punished justly, because we’re getting back what we deserve for the things we did …” (Lk. 23: 41 CSB)

Repentant guy owned that he had broken the law and deserved death. He reminded unrepentant guy that the same applied to him, too.

You see, that is what repentance is. Repentance is expressing sorrow for breaking God’s laws and commandments. But it is not just feeling sorry for doing those things. It is making the commitment to changing ourselves through obedience so that we no longer do the wrong things. Obedience means to hear and carry out the instructions that God gives us.

Salvation does not come without repentance. Repentance means changing our character and actions so that we no longer live a sinful lifestyle.

Oh, yes. We are still going to sin. But repentance changes our character and lifestyle. We are trying not to sin.

Denying that we sin is not repentance. Asking God for salvation without changing our character and lifestyle is not repentance. Picking and choosing which of God’s laws and commandments we are going to obey — and which we are going to continue to break — is not repentance.

We have to make sure those we are witnessing to know that they must be sincere when approaching God for salvation. They must acknowledge that they are spiritually dead and will remain that way without Christ’s sacrifice and God’s forgiveness.


He Vindicates the Character of Christ

“… but this man has done nothing wrong” (Lk. 23: 41 CSB)

Repentant guy knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus had done nothing that should have caused Him to be on the cross. He knew Jesus was innocent.

That is the foundation of Jesus’ sacrifice. “He made the one who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (II Cor. 5: 21 CSB).

Those we are witnessing to have to accept that

  • Jesus was God as well as Man.
  • Jesus came down to earth solely to shed His blood to pay for our sins.
  • By His blood being shed, our sins are forgiven when we ABCD.
  • This is the only way for us to gain access to God the Father — through His Son Jesus (Jn. 14: 6).

It is an all-or-nothing deal. We have to accept God His way.


He Prays to Christ, and Exercises Unbounded Confidence in Him

“Then he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom’” (Lk. 23: 42 CSB)

Repentant guy flat out said the words. He made it known that He believed in Jesus.

No, repentant guy didn’t say “forgive me of my sins.” That is the way, however, that Jesus instructed us in His model prayer to ask for forgiveness. “and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us” (Mt. 6: 12 NLT).

Those we are witnessing to have to flat out say the words. “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. One believes with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, resulting in salvation” (Rom. 10: 9-10 CSB).

Believing in our hearts is important. But we have to tell others to show it is real.


The Words Which the Saviour Uttered

“And he said to him, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise’” (Lk. 23: 43 CSB)

Jesus uttered one, short sentence. Let’s break it down.


If Jesus said something, you could take it to the bank because it was true. We now this because God and Jesus have the same character.

“God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?” (Num. 23: 19 NLT).

This might be a hard concept for those to whom we are witnessing to understand because we are used to humans lying. Humans are controlled by Satan, who is the master liar.

So, we have to find the connection and build the trust. We have to prove ourselves trustworthy.


Not tomorrow. Not when he went through the probation period. Not at the end of the age.

Repentant dude with be with Jesus that day. Think how comforting that is!

This might be a selling point in this age of instant gratification and short attention spans. Genuine salvation is instantaneous. We don’t have to clean up our acts to get it.

To read a related devotion, click the button below.

You Will Be with Me

Many of us don’t want to be alone — even us introverts. We value companionship and fellowship.

Jesus said repentant dude wouldn’t be alone. He was going to be right there with Jesus.

That could also be a selling point. When someone we are witnessing to is concerned about death, immediate access to Jesus upon death should be comforting.

In Paradise

Nope, we don’t know where paradise is or if it is different from heaven. All we know is the name implies a wonderful place. Plus Jesus is going to be there.

The Spirit Which the Saviour Displayed

“And he said to him, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise’” (Lk. 23: 43 CSB)

No, Jesus didn’t go, “Seriously dude? Dying here. Go away.”

Jesus didn’t go through a laundry list of past mistakes. He didn’t say some sins were forgivable when others weren’t.

Jesus didn’t tell repentant guy that he had to make a lot of changes. (Yes, I know he was dying so couldn’t make those changes, but doesn’t that prove the point?)

Jesus said, “Truly … today … with Me … Paradise” (Lk. 23: 43 CSB). He was love, grace, and mercy.

Making the Connections

In one recent devotion from the Holy Spirit category, I know I read that the Holy Spirit doesn’t convict alone. We have a part to play, also.

No, we don’t confer salvation. But remember we said there needed to be two witnesses.

  1. The Holy Spirit
  2. Us

To read a related devotion, click the button below.

Making the Connections to Self-Discipline

What other models of witnessing can help you in your witnessing?

We are also considering what we would say if a non-believer asked us about this. Here is the worksheet again. What would you tell someone who questions God authority to judge sin?

  • What does the Scriptures say?
  • What do I believe?
  • Why do I believe the same/differently than the Scriptures?
  • What are the talking points when witnessing to a non-believer?

Related Links

I have created a worksheet of the questions above. Click on the button below to access it.

How Do We Apply This?

When we went on the mission trip to Toronto last summer, we used the Three Circles Life Conversation Guide. It is a simple way to present the gospel.

What helped Adam and I was the practice we got before we were sent out. We got to figure out what we wanted to say.

Isn’t it wonderful that God uses us in so an important project? He wants us to help expand His kingdom.

Loving Father. Your goal is to expand Your kingdom. You want all to accept Your gift of salvation (I Tim. 2: 4). Unfortunately, not everyone will. Those who do will spend eternity with You. Thank You for allowing us to have a small part in helping someone who is searching for You to find You. Give us words to say to share our stories with those with whom we come into contact. Amen.

What do you think?

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