The Faithful Watchers: Anna
Does God reward us when we watch faithfully for Him to work? When Jesus was presented at the temple, He met two people who were watching for Him. In this devotion, we will discuss Anna.
Finding Favor by Acknowledging God
Do you struggle with acknowledging God? Proverbs 3: 5-6 tells us to trust Him and acknowledge Him. This devotion looks at some ways we can so that so we find favor with God and man.
Is Thankfulness Different from Praise?
Can we praise God without being thankful? Can we be thankful without praising God? This devotion looks at the two elements of worship.
Check Your Attitude When You Worship God
Why should we guard our steps when approaching God? Isn’t He our Father? This devotion discusses the attitude that we should exhibit when coming into His presence in His house – and at other times.
What Does Fear of the Lord Mean?
The fear of the Lord can be a difficult concept to understand. We tend to define it as terror. This devotion looks at what fear of the Lord really means and how it applies to our lives as disciples.
How Do We Gain Access to God?
Paul taught us that Jesus’ message was of peace. Through this peace, we have access to the Heavenly Father. This devotion looks at how Jesus brought peace to give us access to the Trinity.
How Can We Be Instruments of Worship?
Becoming living sacrifices means changing our behavior so that we can live a life of worship that is pleasing to God. The next step is then sharing our joy with others. This devotion looks at being instruments of worship that God can use and tying life of worship, behavior of worship, and instruments of worship together.
How Is Our Living Sacrifice a Sacrifice of Worship?
The second devotion in the What It Means to be a Believer series, this devotion continues the discussion of what it means to be a living sacrifice. Topics today include a life of worship and behavior of worship.
How Do We Not Give Lip Service Worship?
The Pharisees were top dogs in Jesus’ day. But Jesus had a way of showing them where their worship was off. This devotion explores the time when the Pharisees tried to slam the disciples for not washing their hands when they ate, but Jesus turned it around to show how their worship was not necessarily up to God’s standards.
How Can We Worship Him When We Need Deliverance?
When we feel surrounded, it is usually the time we call out to God. He wants to be, however, the Lord of the small things in our lives as well as the big things. This devotion looks at David’s psalm tying His deliverance with worship.
Called to Change and Worship
There are times that we want things to change, but only in the way in which we want. When God answers our prayers, we don’t always like the rules that come with the rescue. This devotion looks at how we are called to worship God.
Praise Him!
Corporate worship is very important in the life of a believer. However, it is very easy to just skip that. This devotion looks at why it is important to not only show up for corporate worship but also to really worship while we are there.
Alone Time
For some of us, establishing a daily devotional time is difficult. We know that Jesus spent a lot of time with His Father. This devotion explores what we can learn from Jesus’ devotional time.