The next morning he was up long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray. Later, Simon and the others went out to find him, and told him, “Everyone is asking for you.” But he replied, “We must go on to other towns as well and give my message to them too, for that is why I came.”
Mark 1: 35-38 (LB)
Scripture: Mark 1: 29-39
For some of us, establishing a daily devotional time is difficult. We know that Jesus spent a lot of time with His Father. This devotion explores what we can learn from Jesus’ devotional time.

The passage in Mark gives us insight on Jesus’ devotional time. It tells us two different things about the same thing. The first one is Jesus got up early to scoot off to go pray.
Now, let’s be truthful. How many times do we get up even a half an hour early to pray? Every day? For a week? Then we’re back to hitting the snooze button and getting up at the regular time.

Secondly, Jesus went alone. The alone part trips us up, also.
Oh, yes, everyone else in the house, including the dogs, may be asleep. That doesn’t keep us from bringing along company in our minds. We plan what we’re going to do today, rehearse a conversation in our minds and daydream.
Then the dog thinks he’s a rooster and gets everyone up. Too bad we don’t take advantage of the opportunity God is giving us.

We miss the opportunity to reconnect with God. God is focused on the relationship He wants to have with us.
True, God is interested in the obedience. However, He is more interested in the relationship. He loves us and wants to spend time with us. But we have to come to Him.
Look at the Scripture again. Everyone came looking for Jesus. You know, He was a swell guy to have around. He fed them, healed them, told a good story and gave them hope that things were going to be better for them. They wanted Him around always to keep passing out warm fuzzies.
But Jesus was focused. He had a mission to preach the Kingdom of God. He went to pray, refuel and get further instructions from God. When the people wanted Him to derail and stay with them,
He didn’t abandon His mission. He stuck to it. He didn’t let others detour Him from what He was sent to do.
Why do you think He was so focused? He had planned His day with the Boss. He knew that, for that day, He was expected to accomplish these goals: praise God, live for Him, tell others.

Isn’t that the mission that God has for us? Praise Him, live for Him, tell others? God will equip us for that mission – if we reconnect with Him and get our marching orders.
You can bet Jesus did had His daily devotion time — no snooze button for Him. What? But He was Jesus, so it was easier for Him?
I don’t think so. Jesus was fully human, too. It may have been easier because Jesus spent so much time talking with God.
If Satan tries us with this, you can bet he tempted Jesus, also. Jesus overcame, and we can, too, with God’s help. God will help us, you know; He thinks this is important.
Loving Father. Thank You for the example that Jesus gave us. He showed us the need to commune with You. His dependence on You outlines how we should seek You. His refusal to allow others to deter Him from His work shows us we can stand up to Satan when he tries to undermine our work for You. We have You to turn to when others are trying to get us to forsake our ministry. Lord, help us to keep focused on You. Amen.
What do you think? What are some things that you do to keep your devotional time on track? Leave me a comment below (about this or anything else) or head over to my Facebook group for some interactive discussion.
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Alone Time is important, as I work through the resources for Personal Retreat, I am learning to see the value if spending time in His presence. Not just a rush through devotion but intentional and focussed pursuit for a thriving relationship.
Oh, it is! I really enjoyed my first retreat and felt I grew so much closer to God that way. No, we can’t rush through our devotions. When I start thinking my devotion are too long, that thought always pops in my mind. We aren’t supposed to invest just a minute. We are to study and meditate. It is all about the relationship. If we don’t spend the time, we don’t have a strong relationship.
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