Why does God sometimes seem to take us the long way around when trying to get us to where He wants us to go? This devotion looks at why the Israelites went the desert road toward the Red Sea. We are discussing how sometimes the easy way isn’t really the easy way at all.
- When Pharaoh decided to chase them – which God knew he would – the Israelites would have been surrounded if they would have taken the direct route.
- We think we know better than God about how things should go – we don’t.
- Whatever the cause, the effect can sometimes be sometimes punishment.

Most of us agree that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. We especially subscribe to this when we are thinking of our lives. It challenges our faith when God does not take us immediately to what we think is our destination.
When we think of the children of Israel’s trip from Egypt to Canaan, we think it took longer just because they sent the spies into the Promised Land and God made them Wilderness Wanderers for forty years to think about why that was a wrong move (Num. 14: 34). But even from the get-go, they were going out of their way.
Why did God take the Israelites the long way to the Promised Land?
Let's Put It into Context
“Then the LORD said, ‘I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters. I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites’” (Ex. 3: 7-8 ESV)
Jacob had moved the Israelites down to Egypt because of a famine. We might question him moving his family to a foreign country, but it was okay. His son Joseph was second in command in the land. They were welcomed.
Then it wasn’t okay. God had blessed the Israelites so they had grown from (depending on how we count it) 66 (Gen. 46: 27), 70 (Deut. 10:22; Ex. 1:5; Gen. 46: 27), or 75 (Ac. 7: 14) when they first moved there into 2.4 million.
As time had passed, the Egyptians quit looking at Joseph as their savior. They started fearing the sheer number of the Israelites. Their solution was to make the Israelites slaves.
God sent Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt under His guidance. Of course, that didn’t go over too well.
When God had everyone’s attention, He opened Pharaoh’s heart, and he let God’s people go.
God Chooses to Take Us the Long Way Home
“When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt. So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea” (Ex. 13: 17-18 NIV)
God chooses the paths we take in our lives. At times, He doesn’t take us what we consider a direct route.
At the beginning of the trip, God was leading the Israelites around danger. The direct route would have meant the journey would have taken only a few weeks. However, the direct route also meant that the Israelites would go right past Egyptian fortresses.

When Pharaoh decided to chase them – which God knew he would – the Israelites would have been surrounded if they would have taken the direct route. God was looking out for them from the get-go.

If the Israelites would have gotten through the Egyptians, they still would have had to face the Philistines on the direct route. The Philistines’ great champion Goliath was centuries ahead, but the two nations weren’t on friendly terms, even then.
God knew what the Israelites could handle and what they couldn’t. He knew that, at the first sign of trouble, His children would want to go running back to what they knew – the comfort of Egypt. Didn’t they do just that at the banks of the Red Sea? (Ex. 14: 11-12).
God Knows Our Futures
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jer. 29: 11 ESV)
God knows what our futures will hold. He knows what will be easy and what won’t be.
It seems like the easy way for the Israelites was not really the easy way at all. Isn’t it comforting to know God knows what lies ahead for us and can lead us around the potholes if we let Him?

I’m afraid for most of us, though, we do more jaunts in the wilderness than straight lines. We’ve changed our minds about serving God. Or we just don’t have the strength to withstand temptation.
Or we don’t want to give up that wonderful, comforting sin. Or we doubt that God is in control of whatever is happening to us.
Or we may see that we’re heading through the desert, not the well-populated way. It doesn’t look enticing enough – exciting enough – for us to want to go there.
Maybe, too, we are kicking and screaming because God is leading us out of our comfort zone. We know we do not like change. We just want things to stay the same because they are familiar.
We think we know better than God about how things should go.
Ooo, baby. We do not. God is our Creator and is Sovereign God. He knows all.
Part of the problem is we want everything now. We don’t wait for God’s explanation — if He explains — why it is taking so long.
We can’t see the future as God does. We don’t know the potholes or wrecks that are on the road we are navigating.
But we think we should be in control. No, He needs to be the driver.
Sometimes, The Long Way is Punishment for Us
“None of the men who have seen my glory and my signs that I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and yet have put me to the test these ten times and have not obeyed my voice, shall see the land that I swore to give to their fathers. And none of those who despised me shall see it” (Num. 14: 22-23 ESV)
God takes us the long way at times as a result of our actions.
Whatever the cause, the effect can sometimes be punishment. God needs to whip us back into shape.
Wouldn’t it be so much better for us to strengthen our faith, and put our trust in the God Who knows all things – past, present, and future? It is easier to do that at the start of the journey – right after God has answered our prayer or right after we’ve been on the mountain top.

But as we go for the romp in the wilderness, we start believing in ourselves, and forget about His leading.
We’ve got to forget about the destination and concentrate on today’s miles. Even if our journey is curvy, we need to realize that that is just where we need to be.
When God is our Guide, He will plot out a course that will grow us in His image. We just have to put our trust in Him.

Making the Connections
I think part of the problem we have is we think we have to be in control all of the time. We don’t want God leading us where He wants us to go. We want Him taking us where we think we should go.
We think we know better than the all-knowing God. Ooo, baby. Are we ever wrong!
How Do We Apply This?
We’ve got to let God lead. He is our Creator. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He knows what He is doing.
We don’t. Oh, we may think we do. We don’t.
God has our plans all worked out based on the decisions He knows we will make. We just have to work the plan.
Heavenly Father, our Pillar and our Cloud. You guide us on our road of life. Sometimes You take us the indirect route because You know obstacles in the path need to be avoided. More times than not, though, You lead us on an extended journey because we are not in the position to embark on the direct road. We are weak and fearful. Help us, Lord, to withstand temptations. Help us to stay focused on your road map. Amen.
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This is a very encouraging post, it’s true sometimes we do think we know better than God and we want things to go our own way. God’s plan for us is always the best plan.
I am glad that you found it encouraging! I am also encouraged by the patience God shows us when we kick and scream and try to do things our own way. He never gives up on us. Thanks for your comment.
I feel like sometimes God takes his people into the wilderness to be alone with his people and to teach them his ways. Moses went into the wilderness. In a sense Joseph went into the wilderness and his only comfort was God. Abraham went into the wilderness with God because he too left his family and friends to walk with God as did Jacob when he went away from Isaac and Rebekah. But God always shows his children that no matter what the situation that they are not alone. I too went into the wilderness with God by going no contact with abusive family members and I never feel alone although I walk alone. I never need to call on anyone but God and he always answers.
Great insights! Thank you for sharing your testimony. Elaine
Thank you for your very astute observation of how on occasion God takes His chosen ones on a journey through the desert/ wilderness that may not make sense.
Through the pandemic, God has taken me the long way of revelation for His glory to show me things and bring out hidden talents. To unknowingly meet the enemy head on in my own camp. A possible demonic possession of an elderly friend /self-proclaimed godmother who meant me harm had been in my life over 45 years was the enemy in my camp! Refusing my help, I had to walk away and distance myself which while painful was probably one of the best decisions I made as walking away God opened doors that I had not anticipate. I had to go to the desert to get delivered and blessed.
Now my career is taking on new heights that I can barely contain. And trust me when I say I did not want to got to the desert or the long way, but in hindsight I couldn’t think of a better way. And as the author of this blog stated, God’s ways are the best way. His thoughts are higher than ours! His thoughts and plans for us are good because He is a good Father.
Thank you so much for this may Yahweh bless you ?
You’re welcome. Blessings to you, too.
Thanks a lot. God bless you
You’re welcome.
Very well done. Thank u
Thank you and you’re welcome.
Encouraging words I will allow God to take me to His path
Thank you, May God be with you.
Nice Blog, I just want to comment on the length of time the Israelites were in the wilderness
(1) Keep in mind the only voice they were used to was Pharaoh’s captains
(2) It takes to to train a child and even harder to train an adult
(3) Thanks be to God who knows just what to do, it may take sometime, but he always gets the stop DONE!
Much Love!
Great points! Elaine
I loved this. I’m definitely in the wilderness now. Wondering aimlessly, at time impatiently, questioning which direction to take. I want to be lead by God, but it’s difficult to comprehend the reason I’m in the wilderness. After, what I thought was a beautiful, loving 16 year marriage, I discovered my husband was having multiple affairs throughout our marriage and while we dated. I’ve forgiven and he’s stopped and doesn’t want to lose me. However, the trauma he created haunts me and I ask God “why?” at times. I know He says that ‘whatever Satan meant for evil, God will turn it to good’. I’m still waiting, a year after discovery, hours of counseling, tears of pain, and a heart broken wide, when the good part will come. Oh I know it will come. His timing is always perfect. I just wish He’d give me a glimmer of what direction to take.
I am in the wilderness and feel some days like the storm will never end. Mine is marital strife as well. I’d nothing else comes from it, I have grown as a Chriatian by leaps and bounds compared to where I was 5 months ago. No wonder our marriage is in trouble! We were living more like Dan and Roseanne than the way we should have been.
I pray every day for my situation and everyone involved. (No one here would believe it if I typed it all out.)
But yes, He is in control and he has molded me so much this year and that is something that can never be taken away. I no longer feel like just a Sunday morning Christian!
Misty, Sometimes, it seems strange that God draws us closer when we are going through the wilderness. But that is when we can see we need Him the most. Prayers for you and your situation.
Praying for you! I haven’t been in that situation but going through my own storm right now- I have been reading Exodus and find comfort in that God always always keeps His promises! I saturate myself with scripture and pray without ceasing trusting God in all things. He reveals things to me and I am growing through this storm. I am humbled by the fact that He is allowing me to weather this storm to become more complete in Him. He is always with us and will lift us up and strengthen us. Pray as if He has already answered your prayer because He will. God hears our cries, remembers His promises and then acts. Praying for you to have peace as you walk through this valley and experience His joy.
Prayers are much appreciated. Yes, we do grow through the storms. It is so easy to go to the negative and hard to hold onto the positive, but we always, always, always have to hold firmly onto God! Blessings! Elaine
I’ve been richly blessed by this. I’m having a wilderness experience right now and I can tell you it’s not a pretty experience.
While I trust God completely to take the wheels, I’ve had to ask Him to shorten this experience!
My thought process at the initial time was that I’ve been cut off completely from His love but in hindsight, I know he’s preparing me for the best.
David had his share of the wilderness experience, so did Joseph, Daniel, Apostle PAUL, and all the patriarchs of old. I’m rest assured that I will emerge victorious as well in Jesus Name ?
I am so glad God was able to speak to you through this. No, wilderness experiences are not fun and pretty. Aren’t we glad that God doesn’t always listen and give us what we ask? God is always there, preparing our good — even if it is a tough good to live through. Yes, you will be victorious! Thanks for this encouragement. Elaine
Great insight and encouragement.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. Elaine
some times we have to take the long route due to our actions.we should be more careful and just move in Gods direction always.
That is true. Also, sometimes we need the longer time to get to the point we need to get to.
Thank you so very much for this blog and your ministry…Whatever is the problem, the answer is within the 10 Commandments – I believe that God Almighty gave them first to the Israelites to help them through their wilderness experience and for the rest of their lives on earth, like a global positioning system (GPS) in your car or cell phone. Now, God’s GPS (GGPS) is the 10 Commandments that were given to Moses during that wilderness experience by the Israelites. This guidance system lets us know where we are and where we are going anywhere on Earth! So why do human beings run around looking in all the wrong places for the answer to their problems? The 10 Commandments are really old, and as a child, I first learned about them in Sunday school. The Bible and many books have been written about them and all the laws in different countries have been drawn from the 10 commandments. So I encourage all of us to go back and relearn and fall in love with the 10 Commandments because they are only well-meant guidelines for all mankind’s problems here on earth. Best regards.
Thank you for your words of encouragement. The Ten Commandments are a great place to look for answers to our problems. Instead of lookinga at them as a checklist, they tell us how what our character should be. Blessings.
I love this blog, glad I come across it today, I am going through a little bump on the road right now, I know not to give up because God is always with me, and with all these words of encouragement I read today!!, Thank you,,?
I am so glad that the words God gave me helped you. He finds all sorts of ways to encourage and strengthen us. Blessings as you look to Him during this bump. He will never leave you. Let me know if I can help you in any way. Elaine
The “wilderness” is the only place where we become most intimate with Christ! It is not found in the comfort zone! If you are in your wilderness, just as I am now, focus on WHO GOD IS and give Him Glory! After all, everything is designed for our own good and for His glory!
So many times we do need to be led into the wilderness so that we can focus on God. If we are out in our daily lives, it is so easy to miss His voice. No, He cannot be found in our comfort zones. Too many disciples resist change because it takes them out of their comfort zones. They don’t realize Christianity is about change. Thanks for your response. Elaine
I am blessed by this message thank you so much.
Thank you.
For some days now have been studying the Israelites story but it’s amazing how I stumbled over this piece. It’s worth reading and very encouraging.
Thank you. I am glad God used the words He gave me to speak to you. Elaine
Going through a spouse initiated divorce proceeding and am standing for marriage restoration. Was extremely despondent today after learning of continuing hard heartedness of spouse. A brother in Christ told me to read up on why God took the Israelites the long way to Cannan. Came across your beautiful article while researching.
You don’t know how your words encouraged me tonight. With aching from an injury, planning a wedding that is a month away, and beginning the process to revitalize a church, I was feeling overwhelmed and questioning where this blog fit in with everything. Your kind words greatly encouraged me. Prayers for you as you stand for your marriage. Elaine
Very encouraging. It’s 2022 and this post will never be outdated. God’s word is alive and is always ministering.
Thank you for taking the time to give me encouraging words! Yes, God is! Elaine
It’s almost 4 years after this post was written and it still blesses till today.
I was reading through the Israelites story as well and I came upon your post.
I encountered a recent happening that left me asking God questions like “why?”. Why do I have to go through this setback. The answer now is clear to me, in the face of scripture!
God bless you for this, thank you.
I am glad you found it and that God used it to help you. Blessings.
We can be tempted into fear and not trust God. We have topray to God to strenthen ou faith and trust that He is in control and God even over what we fear.He is a good God. Hallelujah!
God is a very good God Who never leaves us and never leads us astray. He is in control!
Reasons why the provisions were made available for the Israelites Bible reference please can you answer that for me
One reason why God provided for the Israelites is the same reason He protected them from Pharaoh’s army. “Israel saw the great power that the Lord used against the Egyptians, so the people feared the Lord, and they believed in the Lord and in his servant Moses” (Ex. 14: 31 ESV). God shows His power in providing for us. He increases our fear — reverence — for Him.
“You have led in your steadfast love the people whom you have redeemed; you have guided them by your strength to your holy abode” (Ex. 15: 13 ESV). Bottom line is God has a steadfast, everlasting love for us. He protects us and provides for us.
But God also uses His provision to test us. He did this with the manna and quail. “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Behold, I am about to rain bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in my law or not'” (Ex. 16: 4 ESV). Our faith is increased by these tests. We want our faith increased.
That is just a start in three chapters in Exodus.
God provides for us because He loves us and He wants us to grow in faith and knowledge. He uses everything for our good.
Thank you it’s really powerful and heart restoring, refreshing word of God to keep us strong and alerts for coming of christ Jesus.
You’re welcome. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Elaine