O Jerusalem, wash the evil from your heart and be saved. How long will you harbor wicked thoughts?
Jeremiah 4: 14 (NIV)
Scripture: Jeremiah 4: 7-17
We think of evil as something being morally bad or wrong. Believers equate evil with sin. While all sins are not necessarily evil, all evil can generally be categorized as sin. This devotion looks at how we can “… wash evil from our hearts and be saved…” (Jer. 4: 14 NIV).

Evil as Actions
If we think evil is just actions, we tell ourselves we can deal with it better. But if it is just actions, then we have a choice as to whether we will perform the action or not.
We are very good at rationalizing our actions. We love to tell ourselves that if we don’t do something or do something else, we’re safe. We aren’t sinning.
Sometimes, we say we just can’t control our actions. We try to use this to justify why we shouldn’t be held accountable for our actions. It wasn’t really us doing the morally bad thing. We even say at times that the devil made us do it.
The Devil Made Me Do It
If you google the definition of evil, you also get that it is a powerful force associated with the devil. (See, blame him.) If evil comes from Satan, that puts a whole new slant on the picture.
We ask, how can we be accountable for what something else is making us do? It is Satan, not us, that is at fault.
We forget about our free will. A lot of times we think we just have free will as to whether we are going to accept God or reject Him. We don’t see it as we are choosing to accept or reject evil. Plus, we don’t see it as continually choosing. We see it as a one-and-done.
But isn’t that what we do? Don’t we accept evil (Satan) if we reject God? Aren’t we making that choice several times a day?
So, it is a choice — our choice. We are in control. We can, and should, be held accountable.
Our Insides
The problem is that evil is a manifestation of what is inside us. It is not something we put there. It is in our heart if God is not there.

It does seem like Satan can be more entrenched in some people’s hearts more than others. We all know people who are constantly stirring up turmoil with their deceptions. They live by their own rules and do everything in their power to create contention. It is easy for us to think Satan is ruling their lives.
A Heart Problem
Jeremiah 4: 14 says we have to “… wash evil from our hearts and be saved…” (NIV). To me, that talks about a process. Washing means you have to get wet, scrub, rinse, repeat, sometimes repeat a number of times, and dry off.
That cleansing process won’t start unless we invite God into our hearts as Lord and Savior. It won’t be successful unless we keep scrubbing to get the evil out of the nooks and crannies of our hearts. Then sometimes we have to work on the residue.
We Think It Through
Very few times do we just up and sin. Usually, there is a thought process behind it. The thought process might be talking us into the sin. Or it could be rationalizing it after we have sinned. General making of excuses is a popular one.
I can hear you saying, “But some of us are better at controlling our thoughts than others.” It does seem that way on the outside looking in. But evil does have to come from our wicked thoughts and be condoned by our hearts.
How Can We Apply This?
Our goal, then, is to live out Romans 12: 2: “Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God – what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect” (GNT).
Sprinkle that with Proverbs 4: 23: “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life” (ESV). That is no small task.
Corralling your thoughts does take vigilance. For some, it could necessitate a complete change of mind.
The main thing we can do is focus – focus on what God tells us in His Word and is telling us in our quiet time with Him. He has guidelines for everyone to follow, but He also works specifically with each of us to grow us to what He has made us to be.

Maybe we just start small and say several times a day, “God, wash my heart and mind of evil.” We definitely say it when we feel evil thoughts and actions taking over.
Yes, that is easier said than done, but it is paramount that we work to do this. Why is this so important? If you look at the Good News Translation for Proverbs 4: 23, it says, “…your life is shaped by your thoughts.” Our thoughts inform our free will, which impacts who we are, what we say, and what we do.
If our thoughts aren’t focused on God, it is easier for us to allow evil to slip into our hearts and minds and hijack our actions. Focus on God.
Father, controlling our hearts and minds is a way Satan attempts to keep us from turning every part of us over to You. Please wash our hearts to rid them of the evil that we have allowed Satan to place in there. Help us to close the harbor of our minds to the wicked thoughts. Focus our thoughts and our energies on become the children You want us to be. Amen.
What do you think? What strategies have you found that helps you focus on God? Do you agree that evil is in your heart if God is not? Leave me a comment below (about this or anything else) or head over to my Facebook group for some interactive discussion.
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