Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12: 2 (NIV)
Scripture: Ephesians 4: 17-24
As a living sacrifice, believers are called to not conform to the patterns of this world. That is difficult in a world that rejects God. This devotion looks at a description of the world and begins the discussion of how believers are to be different.
- Believers are cautioned not to love the world.
- Acceptance of the world often happens over a period of time instead of a conscious decision to follow the worldview.
- Believers are called to watch the culture of the world in which we live.
To read devotions in the What It Means to Be a Believer series, click the appropriate button below.

If we are living sacrifices to God, then we are not of this world. However, Jesus knew how hard that would be when He prayed that His disciples be in the world but not of the world.
To read How Are We to be In the World But Not Of the World, click the button below.
Because we are most definitely in the world, we have to take a look at it to make sure we do not conform to it. In today’s society, that is challenging.
Description of the World
We can gain a description of “the world” in the Bible. This is important because I John 2: 15-16 says, “Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world” (I Jn. 2: 15-16 NLT).
The worldview rejects God and His teachings. It says that if something brings you pleasure — especially physical pleasure — it is to be embraced. Also championed by the worldview is the accumulation of material possessions.
The worldview of success advocates that we work hard — at the potential expense of relationships — using any means needed to fulfill our goals. Our purpose and goal in life should be, according to the worldview, to make more money, have nicer possessions, and continue to be promoted in our chosen professions.
God understands the toxicity of the world in which we live. He offers something different. Believers are to “… keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (Jas. 1: 27 NIV). We are called to try to keep ourselves from bring tainted by the world.
Also understood by God is the trouble this world brings. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (Jn. 16: 33 NIV). God has an infinite peace that He will give us to help us, too, overcome the world.

Patterns of the World
This is kind of a scary verse. The “pattern of this world” implies, to me, that it was built over a period of time. This isn’t something that happened overnight.
It developed into what it was. Because it was built up over time, it is something that is entrenched.
Can you see that happening? Often, we do not make a conscious, big decision to follow the worldview. It is something we slide into most of the time.

We make little decisions that lead us farther and farther away from God. We may not even realize it until it is entrenched in our lives.
We aren’t supposed to conform to that patterns of this world any more. God calls us to be different. For all everyone talks about these days about valuing differences and accepting them, the world generally doesn’t.
So, it is tough when we are different. A lot of times it feels like “me” against “everyone else.” That’s hard. That’s discouraging.
Different from the World
As believers, we are not to conform to the considerations, judgments, principles, and viewpoint of this world. The Message states it eloquently: “Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you” (Rom. 12: 2 MSG). Don’t you love that translation?
I think it is interesting that it says to watch the culture. Culture is made up of a lot of things. Religion and values are a part of it. Language and marriage are included. Then add in food, clothing, music, and such. Then … there are a lot of other things thrown in. That is a lot of things to watch, more than we can do on our own.
Making the Connections
Previously in the United States, we had what is called a melting pot culture. Those wanting to be Americans changed to conform to a new way of life. Now, people are calling for an anything-goes culture. Change is not to be desired or expected.
As believers, God expects us to want to change. He expects our behaviors to change. We must stop doing what does not fit with how He calls us to live and be.
It is easy to see how what we believe is counterculture. What is harder is living the counterculture in the world that insists we relax God’s laws and commandments to include whatever they can come up with on any given day.
We’ve got to be on our toes. We’ve got to assess the situations we find ourselves in and stay true to God. We’ve got to stand firm and not let Satan chip away, making us tolerant of a culture of sin.

How Do We Apply This?
As believers, we are going to have to be constantly evaluating things around us to look below the surface. Satan will try anything in his power to turn us away from God.
So, we have to know what the Godview is. We have to hear, read, pray, study, meditate, and memorize. We can’t stand firm on what God wants us to if we don’t know what it is.
To read Has God Provided Everything We Need?, click the button below.
“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age” (Ti. 2: 11-12 NIV). Oh, wow! That is a great verse. Just say “no.”
Sounds simple, doesn’t it? It isn’t, especially in a society that is constantly trying to force us to compromise.
Luckily, we don’t have to do it on our own — we couldn’t anyway. “I will give you a new heart and a new mind. I will take away your stubborn heart of stone and give you an obedient heart” (Ezek. 36: 26 GNT). God will transform us.
This devotion gives an overview of what the world looks like. The next two devotions are going to give examples of how we are to different from the world.
Father God. Satan is attacking Your church, making it challenging to be a believer. He is attempting to get us to unconsciously stray from You. Help us to stand firm and resist temptation. When we are accused because we do not follow the world’s standards, help us to testify of Your love and Your provision. Use us to be Your witnesses. Amen.
What do you think? What do you see as patterns of this world that I haven’t mentioned? How do you need to resist the world?
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Pingback: How Are We Different from the World? (Part 1) – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: How Are We Different from the World? (Part 2) – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: How Do We Renew Our Minds? – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: How Do We Bring God Glory? – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: How Do Non-Preachers Make Disciples? – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: What Do You Mean Believers Have Other Duties as Assigned? – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: Are We to Live for Today or Tomorrow? – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: Should Disciples Compromise Their Beliefs? – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: The Power of One – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: How Do We Determine God’s Will? – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: Why Is Salvation So Hard? – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: Jesus, the Good Shepherd – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: How Does Perseverance Help Consistency? – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: Goodness as a Virtue – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: The Prophecy of a Great Light – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: Why Lying Is a Moralities Issue for Disciples of Christ – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: Keeping Our Actions and Morals Consistent – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: Influencing Our Soul – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: Facing Death – Seeking God with Elaine
Pingback: How Do We Focus on Good Thoughts? – Seeking God with Elaine
Thank you
Very profound
You’re welcome. Thanks for reading it.
Hello my name is Shelly. I came across this because I have a wall paper on my cell phone of Rom 12:2 that says be not conformed to this world, and I thought , if I had to explain to someone that I was wanting to share Christ with could I explain to them what the patterns of this world is. I looked for info on that & found your blog. This was great, very helpful. THANK YOU! May God bless you.
Thank you!