After salvation, God will test us to determine what sin continues to live within us. This devotion is a prayer that God will eliminate the sin He finds within us so that we can draw closer to Him.
- God wants what is the very best for us.
- But salvation is only the beginning as we are still in this physical, sinful body.
- Because of His love for us, God will punish us “… all according to our ways …” (Jer. 17: 10 NRS), because of our disobedience.
- When we possess the fruits of the Spirit, we will have a pure heart – a heart like His.

Lord, Your love for me is amazing. “Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders You have done. The things you planned for [me] no one can recount to you, were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare” (Ps. 40: 5 NIV).
You have given me life, health, a loving family and much more. You want what is the very best for me.
The most important thing you have given me is salvation. “And [my] further reward for trusting [You] will be the salvation of [my soul]” (I Pet. 1: 9 LB).
Because I trusted You, You have saved me. Because I have surrendered my will and my life to You, You have given me eternal life. You have restored the completeness and joy that can be found only in a relationship with You.
Test Me
“I the Lord test the mind and search the heart …” (Jer. 17: 10 NRS)
But salvation is only the beginning, Lord. I am still in this physical, sinful body. Lord, “examine me, O LORD, and try me. Test my mind and my heart” (Ps. 26: 2 NASB).
Root out all that does not follow Yours laws and commandments. Help me to imitate You so that I live the life that You have called me to live.
“Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and now my anxious thoughts” (Ps. 139: 23 NASB). You know my doubts and fears, Lord.
Help me to eliminate those doubts and fears as I grow closer to You. I know that You have me in the palm of your hand (Jn. 10: 29). I know that You go before me (Deut. 31: 8), with me (Deut. 31: 6), and behind me (Ex. 14: 19).
Try and Convict Me
“… to give all according to their ways …” (Jer. 17: 10 NRS)
I know that – ultimately – You have not given “… all according to their ways …” (Jer. 17: 10 NRS). Instead, You give us Your grace.
“For by grace have been saved through faith; and this is not [my] own doing, it is the [Your] …” (Eph. 2: 8 RSV).
Even though I have a wonderful life with You, I still sin. I could blame it on any number of reasons.
I feel like Paul. I do things I do not want to do. I know You see this. For “… Your eyes are open to all the ways of men …” (Jer. 32: 19 NIV) and “… [You] see their every step” (Job 34: 21 NIV).
The bottom line is always the same as You have declared: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways …” (Is. 55: 8 NIV).
Even though I am Your child, I still have my sinful body. I am constantly putting me before You.
Because of Your love for me, You do punish me “… all according to [my] ways …” (Jer. 17: 10 NRS), because of my disobedience. “And steadfast love belongs to You, O Lord. For you repay to all according to their work” (Ps. 62: 12 NRS).
My Fruit
“… according to the fruit of their doings” (Jer. 17: 10 NRS)
Lord, You do not offer us salvation because of our works. “… this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God — not because of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph. 2: 8-9 RSV).
After you saved me and while you are regenerating me, You expect me to “do the good things [You] planned for [me] long ago” (Eph. 2: 10 NLT). Lord, I pray that is what I do.
Lord, I pray for the fruits of the Spirit. I pray for “… love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control” (Gal. 5: 22-23 HCSB). When I possess those, I will have a pure heart – a heart like Yours.
Making the Connections
For some reason, You allow me to make my mistakes and ask for Your forgiveness – and You grant me that forgiveness. “… How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his methods!” (Rom. 11: 33 LB). I, who find it so hard to forgive others at times, am always forgiven by You when I ask.
How Do We Apply This?
Help me to be more like You – in words, in deeds, in forgiving others. Make Your ways my ways and Your thoughts my thoughts.
Father God. It is difficult for us to fathom Your love for us. You have given us so much. You forgive every offense when asked. We would have and be nothing without You. You guide us and protect us. Father, we are so unworthy of Your love. You want us to have relationships with You. Teach us Your ways. Infuse in us Your thoughts. Make our steps lead us closer to you. Amen.
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