Propitiation means that a substitute is offered to avoid God’s wrath.
- Justification, propitiation, sanctification, and atonement — addresses Jesus on the cross (What Does Atonement Mean?).
- In order to be justified, God had to do something to appease His wrath (What Does Propitiation Mean?).
- Because of God’s infinite grace, He devised the Plan of Salvation that made Jesus, through propitiation, our Redeemer in order to forgive us of our sins. Becoming saints when we accept the gift of salvation, we are set apart to be holy through being justified. Jesus is the substitute (propitiation) so that His blood can justify and sanctify us (How Can We Be Alive but Dead?).
- Jesus has to be our Redeemer because we couldn’t — and can’t — redeem ourselves (Does God Really Forgive and Forget Sin?)
- Jesus took the blows for us (The Armor of Faith and Peace).
- He submitted to God’s Will — even though it hurt and was humiliating — in order to secure our pardon. Anyone else would have lashed out at the people putting them through that. But Jesus didn’t. He endured. Why? Us. Propitiation. Atonement (No Christmas Peace).
- Propitiation can be a form of appeasement or how God remains Who He is so He can keep on loving us (What Does Propitiation Mean?).
- Jesus fulfilled the law by completing it in His teaching, by obeying it, and dying to be the substitute (Can We Change the Scriptures?)
- Jesus was the only One Who could secure salvation for us. The opportunity for our salvation was only available when Jesus shed His blood for us (What Is Righteousness?).
- Jesus is His own message. Jesus is the gospel. This isn’t a case of just self-promotion. The message is Jesus substituted Himself for us. The message is what He did for us (How Is Jesus Our Cornerstone?)
Jesus became the propitiation so that we could be restored to the Father (What Was Jesus’ Mission (Part 2)).
Jesus was the substitute — the propitiation — so that we could be redeemed. That means He had to be us — body, soul, and spirit (Why Jesus Became a Man).
Jesus substituted — became the propitiation — for us so He could do the hard stuff, the stuff we would never be able to do. Jesus knew God’s wrath had to be appeased so He shed His blood to pay the price for our sins (Paul’s Take on Children of God).
It was God’s idea. God picked the substitute. It was His Plan of Salvation. He picked the Sacrifice (Did Jesus or His Blood Redeem Us?).