Promise of a Lifetime

Today is a music day.

Everything is fine here, but I am just totally exhausted. I had a very good time with family yesterday. It just wore me out.

Then I didn’t get much sleep last night. I don’t know why.

I am so tired, I am all but weepy. I hate getting like this, but this is what happens when I hit rock bottom of the energy tank.

This song talks about hitting rock bottom — but more than just the energy tank. It talks about being so far down that the only way they see going up is to fall on their knees before God.

Why do we do that? Why do we wait until we get so low before we take our problems to God?

God is always there. He is more than willing to help us. In fact, He wants us to bring our problems to Him.

In some cases, God won’t provide until we ask. Why does He wait for us to ask if He is going to give it to us anyway?

God wants us to submit to Him. We need to know that He is the provider.

Submitting is a part of salvation. When we do, we get the promise of a lifetime — an eternal lifetime.

Promise of a Lifetime
Vocalist: Elaine Guthals
Keyboard: Louise Guthals Weiss


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