We like to fill purpose-filled lives. This daily devotional looks at how doing everything in Jesus’ name with thanksgiving gives us clean, pure hearts.
- Disciples are called to follow God’s Will in everything we do.
- Jesus has the authority over all the things we do, so we should perform everything we do to glorify Him.
- In everything we do, we are to give thanks to God.

When I was researching another devotion, I found a group of sermons that talked about how we are supposed to live. It intrigued me.
It was the art of holy and happy living part that caught my eye. I want to see how that relates to a clean, pure heart.
The Scope of Doing
“And whatever you do, in word or deed …” (Col. 3: 17 ESV)
Disciples are called to follow God’s Will in everything we do.
Paul told us many times that we are to completely submit our lives to God. He also said that here in Colossians 3: 17.
Whatever we do. Whatever we say. Whatever we think. Whatever we desire. Whatever task we perform. Everything.
Everything covers a lot of ground, doesn’t it?
Who is supposed to act this way? Disciples – the elect. When we choose to accept the gift of salvation, we become the elect.
Only those who believe in Jesus Christ as our personal Savior are governed by this verse. Spurgeon told us what we are to do.
- Praise daily
- Pray unceasingly
- Serve Him
- Financially support His work
That looks about like every act that we are called as believers to do.
How does God want us to live? We are to walk with God. Walking with God means we are humble, reverent, teachable servants of God.
There are other ways we are called to live for God. We are to patiently endure while we love others.
Look at it this way. We are called to do everything according to the Will of God. That means we are not supposed to compromise with the worldview.
If God says it is a sin – like homosexuality – it is a sin (Lev. 18: 22). We don’t say it is okay because the world has moved on from that stance.
God’s laws and commandments are for forever. We are called to keep all of them.
The Scope of Motive
“… do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus …” (Col. 3: 17 ESV)
Jesus has the authority over all the things we do, so we should perform everything we do to glorify Him.
Right before He ascended to Heaven, Jesus told His disciples that God had given Him the authority of all things. “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me’” (Mt. 28: 18 ESV)
If Jesus has all authority, everything that we do as His disciples should be done in His name.
It goes back to the submission part. If Jesus is King – and He is – then we are His servants. We don’t do things for our own glory. We do it for His.
This also means that we need to follow Jesus’ orders. We can’t pick out what we want to do – even if it is something that is a good thing in Jesus’ name – and do it if Jesus isn’t calling for us to do so.
Spurgeon thought it was a little more than that. Remember in the 1990s, there was the phrase, what would Jesus do? We have to use Jesus as an example.
When we do it in Jesus’ name, He gives us the strength to accomplish His Will. “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Phil. 4: 13 ESV).
This section of the verse is talking about motive. Why are we doing what we are doing? Is it for some worldview reason, or is it to do God’s Will and glorify Jesus?
Macgregor tied this with our hearts. He wrote, “If religion consists in entering the service of a God who looks not on the outward appearance but on the heart, that religion will be the only true one which produces right dispositions towards Him of faithfulness in all things, the smallest as well as the biggest.”
A relationship with God changes our hearts when we are faithful to Him. That change affects our character. Our character must be like God’s.
If truth be told, that is probably going to be the only way we can tell a disciple from a worldview person. We know that being a good person isn’t enough. We have to be children of God to gain eternal life.
To read a related devotion, click the button below.
Remember, God wants to be God of the little stuff as well as the big stuff. That means no duty we perform – great or small – escapes His notice.
The Scope of Thanksgiving
“… giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Col. 3: 17 ESV)
In everything we do, we are to give thanks to God.
Thankfulness is a response of gratitude to an act of God.
Spurgeon listed the motives that lead our hearts into obedience.
- Gratitude
- Worthiness of Christ
- Love.
We’re talking attitude here. If we think we are entitled to God’s love, we miss the boat. If we genuinely give thanks, we sing eternal praises to Him.
Think of it this way. Daille said that we give thanks to God through Jesus, and God’s goodness is directed back to us.
We shouldn’t complete the tasks for what we get out of them. We should do everything to glorify God and because He deserves it.

Making the Connections
Only life in Christ makes us joyful. When we complete our tasks in His name, we find we can do everything for Him. We become even more grateful to Him.
How Do We Apply This?
- Recognize the power in Jesus’ name.
- Perform our duties to honor Him.
- Be thankful in everything.
- Never leave God out of our tasks.
- Don’t take for granted that God has numbered our days, and we do not know what that number is.
- Take all things to God in prayer.
- Watch when we try to take things strictly to the letter of the law so that we don’t feel that it is too big for our faith and too small to be able to be completed by us.
- Ensure we are interpreting the law correctly.
- Seek God to impact every aspect of our lives.
Father God. We commit to performing every task You ask us to in Jesus’ name. We will live lives filled with thanksgiving. Help us to keep our focus on You. Amen.
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