Light in the Darkness

The world is on hold. It is waiting for a Son to be born. This devotion talks about the light that the Baby will provide.

The world lay peaceful and still, slumbering in the darkness. It was quiet. There was an expectation – a waiting for something to happen.

Then a Light was struck. It was not a light shining from the brightest Christmas tree. The star shone brightly, but it was more than that. The star was way up in the sky.

The light was much closer.

It was a light that shown in a mother’s eyes as her Son was born. It was the light in a father’s eyes as he watched a promise being fulfilled.

It was a light that shone in poor men’s eyes as they were asked to share in the Good News. It was a light in rich men’s eyes as they found that for which they had been looking.

It was a Light that started as a tiny speck, grew as He became a Man, continued as He gave His life, and still continues today through you and me.

The Light was and is Jesus. He was the fulfillment of all of God’s promises. He was what we need — even if we aren’t looking for Him.

It is a Light that shines for all of us to see. It is a beam that cuts through the black of sin to show our need for a Saviour.

“The people who walk in darkness
will see a great light.
For those who live in a land of deep darkness,
a light will shine” (Isa. 9: 2 NLT)

Moon on water

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