Jesus Was Bruised for Us

Jesus is risen! He is risen, indeed! But not until He was bruised. This daily devotional looks at what Jesus endured because of His love for us.

As we celebrate Easter today, I think about what Jesus endured on the cross. Pastor Steve and I have been watching some of the movies made about the crucifixion.

We watched The Passion of Christ and The Greatest Story Ever Told. We also watched Barabas, a fictionalized story about the man who was saved so that Jesus could die.

This isn’t the first time I have seen The Passion of the Christ. It is hard to watch. I am not going to lie. I was hiding behind my hair, covering my eyes with it.

It is so graphic that it is easy to believe that was exactly what Jesus endured even before He was nailed on the cross.

That just blows my mind. Jesus had to have known from before we were created that it would come down to that.

Jesus was going to have to redeem us the most painful, humiliating way.

And He said yes.

Jesus willingly suffered because He loves us and wants us back into the fold.

Belief in Jesus and His death, burial, and resurrection is the only way we will gain salvation.

So, take a good look at Jesus. Behold the Man.


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