I’ll Do It My Way

If you wander off the road to the right or the left, you will hear his voice behind you saying, “Here is the road. Follow it.”
Isaiah 30: 21 (GNT)
Scripture: Proverbs 3: 1-12

Isn’t it amazing how God can take one little action that we do and use it to talk with us? Unfortunately, too many times, we are focused on ourselves and our lives. This devotion will look at how we need to use those moments to keep our focus on Him.

Flowes with title I'll Do It My Way

So, the movers are coming Monday. I got the keys to the new place Thursday, a day early. The movers are only moving furniture, so Adam and I started moving bins yesterday. We got two-thirds of them moved yesterday and got the rest of what is packed today. We are really pleased with ourselves.

We went to eat at Popeyes last night to reward ourselves. But we are sitting there eating our fried chicken, and I thought, oh, snap. We didn’t take the food from the freezer.

I have an upright freezer that, even though we have been doing our best to clear it out by eating what was in it, there was still too much to fit in the refrigerator freezer. I wanted to get that stuff to the new place early so I could get the freezer unplugged to defrost it. The movers wouldn’t be pleased with me if it was dripping on them.

After Adam and I finished eating, we loaded up the cooler and took it to the new place. I said at least twice to Adam, “Remind me to unplug the freezer.”

Oh, you all know me so well already! I got up this morning and heard the freezer running. Oh, well. The best laid plans of mice and men. (Hmmm. Let’s skip the mice.)

I got all the needed towels, unplugged it, and left the door open. I figured it would be defrosted by tonight.

The first load I was going to take to the new place today was my clothes. I started loading suitcases. I also loaded laundry baskets so I could do laundry without paying $3.00 a load.

When I went to grab some cereal for breakfast, I noticed some of frost were already falling off the shelves in the freezer. Talk about being surprised!

This was a lot quicker than the last time I defrosted it. It seemed like it took forever to thaw out before. What changed?

I left the door open this time. Yes, it has put a really big obstacle in Adam’s pacing route, but at this rate, it won’t be long before it is defrosted.

God knocked on my brain.

How many times have I heard God telling me He wanted to do, and I just don’t. Or He tells me to do something a certain way. Most of the time, I say I will do it my way. (Yep, Frank Sinatra’s song could be my theme song. Mom would have told you that.)

God’s way sometimes appears to be too hard or takes me out of my comfort zone. My way is just as good and easier.

But it isn’t. My way takes longer. It frustrates me to no end. It just isn’t smooth.

Why, oh, why can’t I just put my trust in God? Why do I feel like I have to call the shots? Why do I have the need to feel in control?

Isaiah 48:17 says, “… I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go” (NIV). God knows what is best for us. These are “… plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jer. 29: 11 NIV).


Sometimes, though, I just leave out a step. Maybe, I was focusing on getting some of the bins already there unpacked this morning so we could get the rest of the bins there this afternoon. Maybe, I was just out of it.

God has to be my focus. I have to do everything He tells me.

So, time to sleep. Then it will be time to refill the bins. I can do this when I follow God’s plan.

Merciful Heavenly Father. You know what we need. You know where we are going. Sometimes, we just get sidetracked. Help us to keep our focus on You. Amen.

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