How Can We Wait Silently While Not Being Silent?

While we wait for the Lord to act, Psalm 62: 1 says we are to stand silently. Does that mean we are to be inactive? This daily devotional looks at what waiting silently for God to rescue us really means.


  • We need to stand silently before the Lord without being silent.
  • Waiting does not mean inactivity.
  • The squeaky wheel principle doesn’t always work with God.
  • God will fight our battles.
  • We need to focus on God instead of ourselves.
Flowers with title How Can We Wait Silently Without Being Silent

How many times have we stood in line before? That is probably the epitome of waiting.

Okay, now how many times have we stood in line silently? Oooo, baby. That throws a kink into it.

We do not wait patiently or silently. Right away we start talking to the person in front of or behind us. “We haven’t moved in five minutes.” “Look at that person just standing behind the closed counter while the line gets longer and longer.” Not very patient, are we? And definitely not silent!

Standing Before the Lord

"I stand silently before the Lord, waiting for him to rescue me" (Ps. 62: 1 LB)

The scene switches. Our lives are a mess. Everything that could go wrong is going wrong. Bills are piling up. The flu is making the rounds at work so our load has increased in just trying to get the “can’t wait” stuff done. Everyone at home has an ax to grind [add what challenges you are facing to the list]. So, all in all, things are going lousy.

“I stand silently before the Lord …” (Ps. 62: 1 LB).

Church pews

Stand? No, we aren’t standing. We do our Ichabod Chicken imitation.

We’re running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to fix the problems to get ourselves out of whatever situations in which we find ourselves. We try everything in our power to make our lives better.

You have got to be kidding, right? “… Waiting for him to rescue me” (Ps. 62: 1 LB). Waiting?

We are tired of waiting! We want out of this, and we want out now!!!!

No, we are not patient people. Our lives, our decisions, our time tables — that’s what we want for our lives.

No mess, no fuss, no drama, no worries. We want smooth sailing.

If God can’t make our lives smooth sailing, the least He could do is throw in tickets to Hawaii, right?

But in our hustle and bustle, isn’t it easy to miss God? Isn’t it easy to forget about God?

There are great benefits in standing still — taking a breath. We can let His peace seep through us.

Squeaky Wheel Principle Doesn’t Always Work with God

Silently? Not in our lifetimes. We’re complaining to high heaven. We’re moaning that it isn’t fair and asking ourselves – and anyone else who will listen – why this is happening to us.

We bargain, complain, and rail at God for the situations that we find ourselves in.

We definitely believe in the squeaky-wheel-gets-fixed principle. If we are silent, we will not get this thing solved.

I don’t think God pays any attention to the squeaky wheel. What He pays attention to is what is in the plan for our lives (Jer. 29: 11). He pays attention to what is best for us.

More importantly, God pays attention to our focus on Him. He pays attention to our obedience.

Waiting Doesn't Mean Inactive

But I don’t think God wants us to be inactive while we are waiting. God wants us to pray to Him.

In a way, God doesn’t want us to remain totally silent. He wants us to call on Him and ask for His help. He wants us to keep praising Him.

God listens to our prayers, but He answers then on His timetable. Hence, sometimes we wait.


Focus, People

“I stand silently before the Lord, waiting for Him to rescue me” (Ps. 62: 1 LB). Come on, now. Have you ever known God not to rescue you? No.

It may not be as dramatic and obvious as the knight riding up on the white horse, slaying all the dragons like we want. It may not be on our timetables. But God does rescue us.

The problem is, if we are running around like chickens with our heads cut off, we may miss Him. Unless we are silent and seeking Him, we may just breeze on by Him.

Besides, remember how He came to Elijah? Elijah didn’t find Him in the dramatic wind or thunder. He found Him in the quiet whisper (1 Kings 19: 12). He had to listen so hard, because if he didn’t, he would have missed His voice.

 Devotions in the Elijah Was Depressed series

God Will Fight Our Battles

Part of the problem is we are so independent. We think we have to do things to make things better.

God says that is not the case. Look at these scriptures.

“The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent” (Ex. 14: 14 ESV).


“You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.’ Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them, and the Lord will be with you” (II Chron. 20: 17 ESV).

“For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory” (Deut. 20: 4 ESV).

“You shall not fear them, for it is the Lord your God who fights for you” (Deut. 3: 22 ESV).

In reality, we don’t have to battle. God will fight our battles for us. Who better to do that? Our strength is limited.

Plus, the enemy we are fighting is not of this world. Ephesians 6: 12 says, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (ESV). We are engaged in spiritual warfare — a fight God has already won.


How Do We Apply This?

Waiting isn’t just doing nothing. It is praying, reading our Bibles, and actively seeking Him. It means growing in the ways we need in order to do the work He has for us.

Waiting is standing firm (II Chron. 20: 17). It is putting our faith and trust in God that he will provide for and protect us. It is holding our position — staying strong in that faith, not giving in to Satan’s lies and temptations.

To read a related devotion, click the button below.

We’ve got to get the focus off us and onto God. That is the only way we will see Him when He works. He will work. In His time. In His way. Sorry, we don’t get to choose the when or how.

So, let’s slow down, keep our complaints shut down, and let Him rescue us.

Lord, we try so hard to dig ourselves out of the messes we make. We say it’s us looking for You, but it isn’t. It’s us believing in ourselves and our own abilities. It’s us trying to set the parameters of how and when You will rescue us. Silence us, Lord. You’ll probably have to give us this lesson more than once. Teach us the patience to wait on You. Only then can Your name truly be glorified. Amen.

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