Today is a music day.

This is one of those days that I would have paid good money to stay in bed this morning. And then the day fell apart from there.
It was nothing too major on my end. No energy. Dealing with a tire that has been flat for way too long. Dealing with God-what-do-you-have-in-store-for-us questions.
Then I got the call that my sister thought she was heading into the living room and took a header down the stairs instead. She is spending some time in the hospital, so we would appreciate all of your prayers.
God was very good today. I saw Him moving several times today. Things are going to be okay.
But even if they don’t turn out how I totally expect them to, it is well. He has this.
Even If
Vocalist: Elaine Guthals
Keyboard: Louise Guthals Weiss

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