If hell does have fury, how do we escape it? The torment is real and eternal. This devotion continues to look at the torment and how we can enter heaven instead.

Why is the Feast of Tabernacles Important to Us?
There were several festivals mentioned in the Bible. Are they all past history? This devotion looks at the Feast of Tabernacles and why it is important.
Hell Does Have Fury
Surely, there isn’t a hell, and if there is it can’t be worse than this, right? There is, and it is. This devotion, the first in the Hell Does Have Fury series, looks at how hell is a place of torment.
Who Is Really Going to Make It to Heaven?
Death can be scary sometimes because of the unknown aspect of it. However, we are still children of God, even after we die a physical death. This devotion talks about how the dead will be a part of Jesus’ coming.
What If We Die Before Jesus Comes?
Death can be scary sometimes because of the unknown aspect of it. However, we are still children of God, even after we die a physical death. This devotion talks about how the dead will be a part of Jesus’ coming.
What Are Heavenly Places?
In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul talked several times about heavenly places. This is the only place in the Bible that this terminology is used. This devotion explores where those heavenly places are, Jesus’ role in those heavenly places, and how the impact on the coming ages.
How to Be an Investing Servant
We have been talking about the parables that Jesus taught in the end of Matthew 24 into Matthew 25. The devotion today looks at the master and the three servants who were given money. We see how we are to work while we wait for Jesus’ return.
How to Be a Bridesmaid
The second story that Jesus told about the end times was the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids. Regardless of our gender, this parable still has relevance to society today. This devotion looks at the similarities and the difference between the wise bridesmaids and the foolish bridesmaids.
How to Be a Faithful Servant
Jesus told three parables to increase His disciples’ understanding of the end times. The first in the Stories About the End Times series, this devotion explores the parable about the faithful and unfaithful servants. We find that disciples of Jesus need to working while they watch for His return.
What Does It Mean to Be Children and Heirs
Salvation makes us children and heirs of God. But Ephesians 1: 11 makes it sound like there is a catch. The first in the Children and Heirs of God series, this devotion looks at what it means to be united in Christ and heirs according to His plan.
Will Jesus Come in Secret?
Over the past three devotions, we have established that Jesus is coming on the clouds to take His church home. We may be wondering if this is going to happen in secret. This fourth devotion concludes the How Do We Know If We Don’t Know? Series by examining the results of His coming and what we can do to prepare.
Jesus, the Cloud Rider
The previous devotions in the How Do We Know If We Don’t Know series have been pointing to one thing – the return of Christ. This devotion discusses His return and what the signs mean regarding His return.
What Are the End-Time Signs?
When asked how we are to know Jesus is returning and the end is near, Jesus told his disciples what we should look for as signs. The second devotion in the How Do we Know If We Don’t Know series, this devotion continues our look at the signs given.
How Will We Know Jesus Is Back?
Jesus said that He was coming back, but He didn’t give us a day or time. Instead, He gave us signs of His return. Beginning the How Do We Know If We Don’t Know series, this devotion begins to look at the signs pointing to His return.
Why Is God Slow to Fulfill His Promises?
God had made many promises to us. Some might think He is taking His time to fulfill the promise that Jesus is returning. This devotion looks at what Peter has to say on Jesus’ second coming.
What Did Jesus Mean When He Said Watch?
There are several instances in the Bible where believers are told to watch. In most cases, that admonishment is coupled with other actions. This devotion looks at what is meant when believers are told to keep watch.
Will We Be Rewarded or Repaid?
The meaning of verses can change depending on which translation we are reading. However, translations that said Jesus will reward and repay each person are both correct. This devotion looks at what Jesus will be presenting people at judgment — rewards or repayments.
Does God Keep Secrets?
God as Sovereign Lord has not shared all of His secrets with us. He has shared His law with us as the standard by which we should live. This devotion looks at what scripture tells us about secrets and keeping His law and applies that to society today.
Will Being Kind to Others Get Us into Heaven?
Matthew 25: 31-46 is used by some to slam believers who are viewed as hypocrites for their intolerance of sin. Does this passage mean that you can just be a kind person and get a pass? This devotion looks at what it takes to get into heaven.
How Will the Earth Be Impacted in the End Times?
People have questioned whether we are in the end times. When the end times comes, the earth will be impacted. This devotion brushes the surface of the impact the end times will have on earth.
From What Does Jesus Set Us Free?
Believers are set free when we give our lives to Christ. Physical death can also set us free. This devotion looks at that freedom.