How Spiritual Worship Helps Us Change Who We Are
Spiritual worship is tied with our being made new creations. This devotional reading looks at how spiritual worship helps us in sanctification. Nuggets Spiritual worship can only come after we…
Spiritual worship is tied with our being made new creations. This devotional reading looks at how spiritual worship helps us in sanctification. Nuggets Spiritual worship can only come after we…
God wants us to worship Him with body, soul, and spirit. This devotional reading looks at how we worship with our bodies. Nuggets We worship God with our bodies as…
If spiritual worship is a hard concept to grasp, how are we going to be able to put it into practice? This devotional reading looks at how we are to…
In the previous devotion, we talked about how God never intended the ceremonial to be a permanent avenue to salvation. This devotional reading looks at two verses that gives evidence…
In the last devotion, we saw that the ceremonial laws didn’t work. This devotional reading looks at how that displeased God — and what didn’t. Nuggets The ceremonial laws could…
The Jews were convinced that ceremonial laws would lead them to God’s salvation. This devotional reading looks at why they couldn’t, and why spiritual worship can. Nuggets Neither do the…
In the Finding Jesus through Spiritual Worship study, we been doing a series on the ceremonial law. The devotional reading concludes the contrast of the two. Nuggets Spiritual worship provides…
The Jews in first-century Israel were all about the ceremonial law. This devotional reading begins to look at the differences between ceremonial law and spiritual worship. Nuggets Spiritual worship doesn’t…
God wants us to sincerely worship Him in spirit and truth. This devotional reading begins looking at what true spiritual worship is. Nuggets True spiritual worship is a duty.True spiritual…
We need to commit to even the hard things to understand. This devotional reading looks at what worshiping in spirit and truth means. Nuggets We get that we can’t see…