Atonement is about repayment for a wrong.

  • God wants to have a relationship with His people. The problem was sin has no yet received permanent payment. God had the Israelites take care of that yearly by observing the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur. “The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. You are to hold a sacred assembly and practice self-denial; you are to present a fire offering to the Lord” (Lev. 23: 27 CSB) (Completion from the Cross).
  • Because of the magnificence of His glory, we have the assurance that God can provide the atonement for our sins (What Is Hope in God to a Disciple of Christ?).

  • God knew that there would need to be atonement for the sin. The only way that would happen is a blood sacrifice (The Foundation of the Church).

  • Jesus came to earth as our substitute to atone for our sins. The only way He could do that was to shed His blood (How Do We Believe in Jesus?).

  • Jesus’ blood had to be spilt. It is through His blood that we gained atonement (What Is the Lord’s Supper?).
  • Jesus’ blood provided the atonement that purified us. That satisfied the penalty for our sins (Why Jesus Became a Man).
  • Atonement had to be part of the justification process – or there would be no need for substitution (Did Jesus or His Blood Redeem Us?).
  • Where propitiation is about the substitute, atonement is about repayment for wrong (Did Jesus or His Blood Redeem Us?).
  • Because of grace, the plan of salvation was designed. In order to justify us, Jesus had to be the propitiation for us. This atonement accomplished in redemption. We access the gift through faith (Did Jesus or His Blood Redeem Us?).
  • Jesus’ blood provided the atonement – not the obedience, not the sacrifice – the blood (Does God Really Forgive and Forget Sin?).
  • If God would have left Jesus in the tomb – and resurrection wasn’t needed for atonement – Jesus was good with that. His mission was to pay the price for our sins. He was ready to do that no matter what it took (Life from the Cross).
  • Atonement is all about the blood. It isn’t about the waking up from the death sleep. Jesus’ blood provided the atonement – not the obedience, not the sacrifice – the blood (Life from the Cross; Does God Really Forgive and Forget Sin?).

  • It was Jesus’ blood that atoned for our sins. It wasn’t his birth. It wasn’t that He died — if He would have died but not shed His blood, the sacrifice would not have been made. It wasn’t even His resurrection. It was that His blood was shed to pay the penalty for our sins (What Is the War in Heaven?).

  • The repayment was the shedding of His blood (Paul’s Take on Children of God).

  • Our blood won’t atone, so we need a substitute (Did Jesus or His Blood Redeem Us?).

  • God gave us the laws and commandments to show us they could not save us. On our own, we cannot keep the laws and commandments. Therefore, we need a Savior to pay the price for our atonement (Can We Change the Scriptures?).

  • Why does Jesus intercede for us? It was based on atonement. Well, atonement is about repayment for a wrong. Since Jesus has made the repayment, He has a vested interest in us (Who Is Jesus?).

  • Jesus’ blood provided the atonement that purified us (Why Jesus Became a Man).

  • When we think about God giving Moses the instructions for the temple, it started out with the priests asking for forgiveness for themselves (Lev. 16: 6). They had to get their relationship right with God before they could approach God to intercede for the nation of Israel. Jesus didn’t have to do that. Jesus had not sinned. There was nothing for which to atone. What took Jesus to the cross and held Him there was His everlasting love. He would complete the plan of salvation for us (Comprehending Christ’s Purpose through His Love).

  • Jesus’ blood was the atonement for our sins, but the transaction hasn’t been closed out yet (What Is the Tribulation?).

See Also