All the series presented this year sprang from the series or study before it. This devotional presents a video that makes connections among the series while answering a question that arose during one: are Matthew 7: 21 people sheep or goats?

Our theme this year is Habitual Holiness. We have covered a lot of ground.
When I was asked to do a one-day Bible study at my church, I thought this would be a great time to work through all the different thoughts that had swirled through my mind and put it in some kind of order.
I went back to the beginning and our acrostic on commitment in the Commit to Grow Our Habits study. That lead to the Finding Jesus through Spiritual Worship, which lead to Outward v. Inward Religion. I added a few things from the Searching the Scripture series.
But I did something different. Because I made a PowerPoint to use at church, I recorded it as practice what I was going to say.
I made it into a movie and put it up on my YouTube channel. To listen to today’s devotion, click on the button below. (Warning, it is a little longer than normal and my first attempt at trying this.)
To read devotions in the Habitual Holiness of Heart and Life theme, click the button below.
Here is a running list of nuggets for the theme.

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