Master the Tempest Is Raging

Today is a music day.


I am going to take a music day today. I was trying to start the next series on the beasts. I was needing to do some more research.

But my focus got up and went, and I didn’t have the focus or get up and go to get up and go after it.

Part of the reason, I think, is the changing of the seasons. That always messes with my head.

Another part of the reason is my sleeping pattern has been messed up since the move. Pastor Steve and Adam think I have overdid it. That has led to interrupted sleep.

So, the tempest is raging, and I am looking for God’s peace.  God will give it to me.

Master, the Tempest Is Raging
Vocalist: Elaine Guthals
Keyboard: Louise Guthals Weiss

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