Wonderful Grace of Jesus

Today is a music day.


I’ve been working really hard to get the house straightened out after the move. I’ve finally been able, with Pastor Steve’s and Adam’s help, to get the boxes moved to the basement after the foundation was fixed. We finally got the kitchen painted.

But I’ve done a number on my back. I go along fine for a while — then it hurts to breathe.

It was worth it. I love the bright kitchen. Our cat, Priss, doesn’t have much to climb on now, but it has been years since I haven’t had boxes sitting around in rooms we frequent.

There is still some to do. But I got enough done for when my wonderful sister and brother-in-law came today.

But that meant I didn’t get much writing done. So, we are going to do a music day.

God has provided us this house and life through His wonderful grace. We thank God daily that He allows us to proclaim the gospel of Jesus.

Wonderful Grace of Jesus
Vocalists: Elaine Guthals and Steve Miller
Keyboard: Louise Guthals Weiss

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