When Prayers Are Answered

This daily devotional looks at how God answers prayers we may not even consider a prayer.

I am just going to talk to you today. I know the last time I said that was when I told you about my seizure diagnosis that really turned out to be migraines.

This isn’t anything like that.

Today, I am dealing with being overwhelmed. The start of it today was dealing with my foot injury.

I think I told you I had stressed my foot. It isn’t a stress fracture, just stress.

That is good, since it isn’t broke. It is bad because I am in this boot on my right foot.

On my left foot, I have to wear an old tennis shoe. Unfortunately, the sole doesn’t get it to the height that the boot is.

So, every time I take a step, I am tilting one way or the other. I am beginning to feel ache in my left leg and my back.

And I am only halfway through the four weeks of the boot. (I am so glad the doctor didn’t make me do the entire six weeks.)

Then I am planning a wedding. I’ve got most of it done, but not all of it.

The other change in my life is Pastor Steve and I have been called to a new church. It is a wonderful church. The people have a heart for Jesus.

They want that church to be God’s church. They want to draw others to Him.

Right now, there is a lot of organizational work needed to be done to provide that church a foundation so it can grow. That is more down my alley than Pastor Steve’s.

Then I got to the other two verses that were going to be two devotions in the series I was working on. And neither one of them really had anything else to add that we hadn’t already said.

So I have been wondering if this blog had run its course. Where does it fit in all of the mix that has become my life? Is it really doing what God wants it to do?

Pastor Steve asked what my purpose is in writing it. I said that I want to lead people to Christ and strengthen their walk with God.

But I didn’t know if God wants that to continue to be my goal.

I haven’t really articulated that really well in a prayer yet. I haven’t done a King James Version. I haven’t even really done a paragraph version.

It is more of a heart-felt sentence version.

God gave me an answer tonight because someone took the time to write a comment on a post. Now mind you, this post was one that I posted about two week in to putting these on the internet. So, that was three years ago.

But God gave me an answer through that person’s words.

Even though some people may say I hadn’t prayed at all because it really didn’t have a Dear God, or an Amen attached to it, God answered the prayer.

God loves us so much that He will step in and answer our prayers that are just a sigh. He definitely answers our prayers that are tear drops.

That is the awesome God that we serve.

God uses so may ways to answer our prayers. He uses the Holy Spirit to speak to us. He can speak through His Word or through nature. Many times, He speaks to us through others.

But speak to us He does.

Pastor Steve said that God was rewarding my obedience. That is my prayer — that I will always be obedient to His Will.

So, I’ll go on. As my life changes in these next couple of weeks, I’ll find my balance. I’ll keep putting it in God’s hands, so that His Will will be done.

Father God. You have a purpose for each of us. There is kingdom work that each of us is supposed to do. Lord, help us to focus on You and Your Will for our lives. Help us to find that balance between being spouses, parents, children, siblings, employees, employers, friends, and people in leadership positions in Your family and within our communities. Thank You, Lord, when You answer prayers that we sometimes can’t even pray. Thank You for loving us. Amen.


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