It Was Enough

Today is a music day.

I know. I normally try not to have two music days in one week. But Dr. Adam told me, “Mom, you need to take a day off to get well.” Dr. Steve said, “Honey, you need more sleep.”

So, here I am. Another music day.

Pastor Steve and I are doing a read-the-Bible-through-this-year together. Today, we read about God giving the rainbow as a covenant to us.

I posted a comment about the time Adam and I were coming back from the library after it had rained. Rounding a corner, we saw the end of the rainbow. But as we drove, it kept in front of us for a short distance.

Yes, the rainbow moved to always be ahead of us.

To read a related devotion, click the button below.

We are told we can never out-give God. We can never promise more than He does. He will always go before us.

All God does — did — for us is enough. We aren’t going to need more.

Father God. We are humbled by how much You love us. We are awed by what You have promised to give us. We love You!

It Was Enough
Vocalist: Elaine Guthals
Keyboard: Chris Vieth


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