If My People Will Pray

Today is a music day.

I ended up with a real bad sinus headache today. I am just going to do a music day and get back to where we are at with the requirements in the next devotion.

If My People Will Pray
Vocalist: Elaine Guthals
Keyboard: Louise Guthals Weiss


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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Iloi rakaidawa

    If my people who are called by my name..humble themselves….pray..God will forgive our sins…amen to that 2king 17

    1. admin

      I love this verse. It should us our attitude and our responsibility. God doesn’t just give us everything as an entitlement. We have to worship Him in the right way. Then — and only then — will He answer our prayers. Thanks for the comment. Elaine

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