Even If

Today is a music day. To read and hear the song, click here.

I did something today that I haven’t done in a long time. I took a day off.I wrote maybe two paragraphs and stopped.

Instead, I spent time with my guys. We took a nice drive and enjoyed God’s creation. We got ready for Trunk or Treat tomorrow.

What I have been thinking this week is about Mercy Me’s song Even If.

It is all about God saving us when we are going through the trials. Even if we only have a little faith, God will keep us in the palm of His hand.

What about during the good times? There are times that we have lost trust in others.

God told me this week that I don’t have to trust others. I just need to trust Him.

Even if things are going well. Even if things are going horribly.

We can trust God.

Even If
Vocalist: Elaine Guthals
Keyboard: Louise Guthals Weiss


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