God through the Struggles

God will always lead us through the struggles that we go through. This daily devotional looks at turning the corner after a year of struggles.

Hey, guys. I need to take a day, today. So, I am just going to talk to you. (No, it has nothing to do with health issues.)

There is a lot of things going on today (July 11) that is bringing up a lot of feels.

Do you realize that tomorrow (July 12) has been a year since Pastor Chad was called home to be with the Lord? I know I used a lot of what he said in these devotions. The last thing I used has a story behind it.

We were having church on the parking lot. Pastor Chad loved it because he was able to be in his shorts and sandals. What came out of his mouth was pure gold.

It just came out as an 89-word sentence. So, I texted him I was using it with a few edits. He laughed. Here it is.

“Each and every one of us, through the power of the gospel message, have the ability to bring change in this world because, by just simply speaking the gospel, introducing people to God through His Word, people will come to know Him, and peoples’ lives will be transformed. Once you’ve had an encounter with Christ, your life will be transformed. We understand that, if we can introduce people to Christ and they can come to be saved, then the problems of this world will seem like bygone issues.”

That will always be how I remember Pastor Chad. Witness. Transform. Pass on what we have. Make an impact. Make the world better.

Each and every one of us. Every one of us is a witness for God. We are all to tell at least one other person (hopefully more) about our loving Savior. We can do this.

It isn’t in our own power. It is through the power of the gospel message. It is through God’s power. Why? Because it is all about Him. There is nothing about us.

Yes, we have the ability. Can you talk to your child/spouse/parent/sibling/family member/coworker/friend/neighbor? If you can say hello to them, the answer must be yes.

We should introduce people to God two different ways. One should be a personal introduction.

You have at least one story you can tell them, your salvation story. You probably have at least one more where God pulled you through some trial.

The other way we introduce people to God should be through His Word. I know. This is where we think it trips us up. We don’t think we know it well enough.

Learn it.

I am not sure I could memorize passages anymore, but I better know what it says and where to find it or how to Google it.

But that is what we are supposed to be doing when we are seeking God, isn’t it?

Searching for and Seeking God

Hearing His Word (Rom. 10: 17).
Reading His Word (Rev. 1: 3).
Praying to Him (Heb. 4: 16).
Studying His Word (Ac. 17: 11).
Meditating on His Word (Ps. 1: 1-2).
Memorizing His Word (Ps. 119: 11).

Pastor Chad wanted us to transform our lives. I – and he would – want you to transform yours.

This year has been rough, but I think, as a church, we are in a good place. We held together. We didn’t splinter.

Now, we have to turn a corner we never thought we would be turning but need to turn anyway.

On July 12, Mrs. Pastor Chad and their three boys are moving two states away to be with her family.

  • Pray for comfort on a difficult day.
  • Pray for safety on a long trip.
  • Pray for love and patience as they build their new normal.
  • Pray for faith for whatever comes their way.
  • Pray for a life of serving God wherever He leads them.

Also on July 12, our new pastor will start. Pastor Joey has taped some announcements and a prayer for our services but will start full time tomorrow.

I am sure you will be hearing what Pastor Joey has to say, too.

  • Pray for Pastor Joey and his family as they make this transition.
  • Pray for Pastor Joey, Pastor Chris, and the staff as they form a team to do the work God has for them.
  • Pray for the congregation to be loving and accepting and not look at it as Pastor Joey having big shoes to fill.
  • Pray for rest for Pastor Tim and Pastor John after leading us as well as doing their day jobs.

Pastor John had a lot of good things to say today. I needed to hear them. Maybe they can help you.

  • Having struggles doesn’t mean there is a problem with our faith.
  • God permits what He hates to accomplish what He loves.
  • What He loves is making His children into the image of His Son.
  • If we don’t become like Christ, we’ve lost.
  • Struggles do not mean we are alone; struggles mean God is at work.
  • God is for us. Who is against us? The answer is not nobody. The answer is it doesn’t matter.

Pastor John also said something that is a little different than what I say. He was talking about Romans 8: 28. “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8: 28 CSB).

I have always said that didn’t mean we were assured a prosperity gospel. I thought it meant that the benefit would be to God’s kingdom — therefore benefiting us.

Pastor John said, no. The good meant that God’s purpose is to make us in the image of His Son.

Well, that benefits God’s kingdom, but it is very personal. I like that.

God takes us through the deepest waters and brings us to the other side. He brings us to Him, changing us to be like Him.

Father God. Your plans for us are perfect. Sometimes, they are hard and definitely not what we would have chosen. You have Your reasons, and You have it all worked out. It may be years before this tapestry is woven. Give us faith and patience to live in obedience. Just as You have sheltered us in the palm of Your hand for the past year, continue to do so, especially during this next week of change. We look to You, Lord. Amen.


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