It Was Enough

Hey. My sinuses have really been bothering me the last couple of days. It is harvest time in the Midwest. I don’t know how I made it when I lived on the farm, but now that I live further away from fields, the harvest dust affects me worse

So, I hit a wall today. I decided early on I wasn’t going to push to get a post written.

Instead, I am going to leave you with a song today. This is one of my favorites. It has a bunch of great lines.

  • I see so much in me that I just can’t get right.
  • Worn out by the fear that you’ll go just one sin too far.
  • Only I could make you as you are.

Nothing we could do can take us out of His hand if we have genuinely put ourselves in His hand.

It Was Enough
Vocalist: Elaine Guthals
Keyboard: Chris Vieth

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